Chapter 5 who is he part 2

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Harry POV

"Ashton what's going on?" "Juliet ex-boyfriend took Hazel." "What? Ashton." "Don't worry Harry." "Don't worry. How do you want me to do that when my girlfriend has been kidnapped?" "No one will hurt them." "How do you know?" "You just have to trust us." "Fine."

Hazel POV

He left. "Juliet, what's going to happen?" "You're going to be with Harry. I'll find my way out." "No Juliet." "Yes Hazel, don't worry everything will be alright." "Okay." He came back. "You will go with him. Juliet, we are going to Paris." "What?" Juliet said. "Yes so now say goodbye to hazel." I hugged her. I went to the car. "Don't worry I'll take care of Juliet." "But how." "Luke will explain everything." We enter the flat. "Hazel is safe." the guy said. "Babe you're alright." "Where is Juliet?" "He still has her." "What how." "Juliet wanted Hazel to leave you to know she won't put her in harm." "Where is she?" "At the house, he is taking her to Paris don't worry she won't get on the plane." He looked at his phone. "Sorry I have to go, I'll see you at the airport, Luke." He left. Luke go this phone. "I'm coming with you." Ashton said. "Me too." "Hazel are you sure." "Yeah I'm sure." "Okay." Harry hugged me. Luke Ashton Harry and I went to the airport. I stayed in the car with Harry. It was Luke idea. I saw Juliet hugging Luke I got out from the car. "Juliet." "Hazel." "Where is josh?" "He stayed home." "Oh...okay." I could tell she really wanted him to be here. we got in the car. Calum hugged Juliet. Juliet went to her room. "I have to take Juliet to the hospital." The guy said. "How come?" Luke said. "She ate while she was there and we want to make sure he didn't put anything in her food. Luke went upstairs to get Juliet she was upset. "Why are you taking me?" "We have to make sure the babies are okay." "Fine." We went to the hospital. Juliet and Luke went inside. Josh was sitting down. I went next to him. "How are you doing?" "Fine." "How are things with Juliet?" "I don't know." "Do you think you'll get back together?" "I don't even know." Luke came out. "We are waiting for the test result we can go in to see her now." We all went in the room. '"How are you doing Juliet?" "I hate in here." "You should leave soon." Jen came in. "Jen can I go home." "No." "What?" "We found something we have to go." Jen took Juliet out. "What should it had been." "I don't know." It's been 3 hours Juliet hasn't been back. "What's taking so long" Luke got up as he as opening the door Juliet was there. "Juliet." She smiled. "What happened?" "He poised her food but everything is good." "What about the baby?" "They are fine." "They?" Josh said. "Yes, she is having twins." Juliet smiled. Juliet was lying down on the bed. "We want to keep an eye on here she will leave in a week." "Jen just let me go home?" "I can't do that anyways I'm leaving don't worry your uncle should be here soon." "Fine." "Get some rest." "Okay." "You have to be on bed rest for 2 months." "No this can't happen." Juliet said. "I'm sorry." "What about the tour?" "I know how much that means to you. I know you care about your babies and you will stay on bed rest." "This isn't fair Jen." "I'm not punishing you Juliet; it's good for your babies." "Okay." I know how much this tour means to her. Jen left. "Michael is going to bring Ivy now." "Okay." "Juliet there a concert tonight." "See now I have to tell everyone that I'm not going anymore." "It's all going to be alright they will understand." Someone came in. "Juliet again." "This wasn't my fault or the first time." "Yeah I know, that car accident I was by your side." "Wait you were in a car accident." "Yes." "When?" "About 7 years ago." "By where." "In front of the pizza place, we went a few days ago." "Oh." Oh my gosh. I got up and left. I sat down in right by the door. Someone open the door. "Babe are you alright?" "No." "What's going on?" "She is going to hate me." "Why will she hate you?" "I was the other driver." "How do you know it was Juliet?" "Everything she said it's true." "She isn't going to get mad. It's been in years." "I heard that I should never get her mad. She makes people life miserable." "I know her, she won't do that." "If she does." "She won't I promise. Go and talk to her alone. I'll get everyone out so you can talk." He hugged me and we went inside. "Guys lets go so Juliet and Hazel could talk." They got up and left. "Juliet what would you do to the driver that hit your car." "At first I would make their life miserable but it's been years I would just forgive them." "I have something to tell you. I don't want you to get mad." "What's going on?" "I was the one that crashed into your car. Juliet, I'm so sorry Juliet I never meant to hurt you I was so scared that day." "Hazel I know it was in an accident." "I understand if you want to fire me." "I won't fire Hazel." "Why not?" "because you're my friend and what happened so long ago and I forgive you."

A/N Sorry for taking too long to upload I was going to upload for my birthday on March 26 but everything that happened in the fandom. I hope you like this chapter I will upload the next chapter really soon

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