Chapter 22

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Cooper's POV:

The sound of the door opening and clicking shut pulled me from my sleeping haze. My eyes blinked open as a yawn slipped past my lips, causing my pillow to rumble in amusement.

"Sleep well?" I nodded sleepily and stretched lazily as my mind tried to push away the remaining fogginess.

As I rolled onto my back for more blissful stretching, I heard Hunter get up and yawn loudly before heading towards the bathroom. I tried to recall the events of the previous night and smiled as I remembered the heated session with my teacher. We still haven't gone all the way, but I knew I was just delaying the inevitable.

My thoughts were running wild when Hunter casually walked out of the bathroom and walked to the dresser to get a change of clothes. I watched her happily as he rummaged through the drawers before pulling out a pair of jeans and a black shirt.

He looked over at me as he pulled up his jeans, but I couldn't seem to look away or act embarassed. This seem to please him because he quickly shrigged on his shirt and walked over to me still on the bed. He smiled as he leaned down to give me a quick, deep kiss.

"I wish I could stay and ravage you, baby. You look so damn sexy in my bed, laying all flushed and passionate. Unfortunately, Luke is back with Jes..."

Before he could finish his sentence, I was shoving him out of the way in search for my pants from the previous night. I didn;t even look at him as I hopped desperately into my jeans as I made my way to the door.

"Why didn't you tell me Jesse was here? I have to see him."

"I was gonna tell you..."

I shoved the door open and bolted for the stairs. As i reached the landing, I slipped around the corner in search of Jesse. Before I could put on my breaks, I landed smack dab into someone's chest. Again.

It was Tegan. Again.

"Well looky here. If it isn't the fiesty little hum.."

I shoved him out of the way as I spotted the mass of blonde hair that belonged to my best friend. He turned away from Lucas at the commotion and had barely enough time to brace himself before I launched myself at him.

"Holy crap!" He exhaled as my bigger person hit him square in the chest. I felt us collide with another, more stable body, but I didn't pay it any mind.

"Jesse! Baby! I missed you to death, my little chickety." I peppered kisses across his face, and blatantly ignored the two distinctive growls from the mates.

Jesse was gasping and giggling at the same time as he tried to avoid my attack, but I kept coming at him. When I was satisfied, and when Hunter gently but firming pulled me away, I stepped back to grin hugely at the guy who was like a brother to me.

He was smiling back at me, but giving Hunter wary looks at the same time. I knew he was a little weirded out about the teacher thing, but my focus was on something entirely different.

The twin bruises on his pale neck. Matching mine.

I gasped and grinned evily as I winked at the little blonde. "Oh, Jesse, you little hobag. Is that a bite on your neck?"

The werewolves gasped at my playful insult, but Jesse didn't miss a beat. He batted his eyelashes at me and bared his teeth. "Why yes, darling, they are. Just like the twin pair on your delicate little neck. Sucking neck with the dogs again, Coop baby? How promiscuous of you!"

I giggled like an idiot as we resorted back to our old ways, as I looped my arm with Jesse's and tugged him towards the kitchen. I didn't pay any attention to Hunter or Lucas as we passed and put all my attention of Jesse.

"So it must have been quit an adventure. Tell me all about it while the dogs get back to important pack things."


"I shook my head in disbelief as Jesse finished retelling me about the last few days. So much had happened and I hadn;t been there for him...

Tears prickled the back of my eyes and I ducked my head to avoid Jesse's questioning look.

I should have known I couldn't fool my best friend.

"Cooper, don't be sad. You don't see how good things have been these past days? I'm happy!"

My head snapped up at this and I gaped at him. I've never heard Jesse tell me he was happy. Ever. He saw my look and smiled softly.

"Lucas makes me happy. Too happy..."

"What do you mean 'too happy'?"

"Like childhood happy. Like when my mom was still with us and dad didn't know what heartbreak felt like."


"No, it's ok. I'm ok, Coop. I know the things dad did to me weren't my fault, but I feel like Lucas deserves something better..."

"No one is better than you, Jesse."

"I'm scarred, Cooper."

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does matter! I'm damaged goods!"

"How could you say that about yourself?"

"Cause it's true!"

"No, it's not, Jesse. You and I both know that. Neither does Lucas."

"You don't know how Lucas feels about me."

"And you do?"

"Yes! I do!"

As our conversation progressed, our voices started to rise. Neither of us seemed to care.\

"Why would you think Lucas would think of you as damaged?"

"Because it's what bad people think!"

"And Lucas is bad?"

"No, damn it, that's not what I said..."

"It is what you said!"

"I just don't want him to leave!"

"Why do you think he will? Because your mother left?"

"Yes! Because I'm not worth it enough for people to stay!"


"Stop, just stop, ok? I know I'm being dramatic. Just.. I'm tired. I need to rest."

He pushed back from the table and wouldn't look at me. His cheeks were pink from the arguement, and his breathing was labored from suppressed anger. I saw him freeze as he turned towards the doorway to leave.

At the doorway, Lucas stood fuming. I could practically see the anger roll off him in waves and his frame shhok with his power and strength. I shrank back a little in my chair and I saw Jesse wince slightly.


"We need to talk." Lucas' voice was nothing more than a growl, and he turned on his heel sharply as he walked from the room. I saw Jesse gulp as he looked back at me before silently following after his furious mate.

I blushed slightly and a giggle escaped my mouth as I realized that Jesse was in for an angry, drawn out speech. I'd been there before, and, if Jesse played his cards right, great makeup sex afterwards.

The fantasies played in my head, and a shiver ran through my body, igniting a heat in me.

I jumped out of my chair and went in search of Hunter.


Rawr <3 I love you all. Tell me what you want to see happen in future chapters! I might just include some of your ideas :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2013 ⏰

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