2: Work For It

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I lean on the wall at my back and try to slow the spinning. But when I close my eyes it only picks up speed and I almost fall over. My heart is pounding and stomach rolls. From the alcohol. From Andrew. From the smell of liquor and bodies in the air. It's time to call it a night.

Steadying myself on my feet, I search the line for the bathroom, but Rose isn't there.

"Hey, no cutting." Someone nudges my shoulder and jerks her thumb behind her. She looks like a librarian stripper, glasses, bun, tight skirt and button top with very little buttons fastened.

"I'm looking for my friend. Maybe she's in there? Purple hair?" I wave my hand over my hair but the girl only rolls her eyes.

"I don't know who's in there. Whoever it is has been in for a while." She swings her fist on the door, her stink face only added to the librarian image.

There's no answer so I try the knob and with a little nudge it swings open. A girl, without purple hair, is laid on the floor wrapped around the toilet, asleep.

"Get out," Librarian yells and then turns to me. "Get your friend out."

"Not my friend," I mumble as I walk into the bathroom anyways to help the drunk girl.

"Hey." I kneel next to her and give her shoulders a shake. "Let's get up." I lift her upper body some as she groans into consciousness.

"Deena?" She slurs.

"No, It's Brook. Let's get up though and I'll help you find your friends."

"I'll sleep." She swipes her hand at me, but her aim is way off.

"All right, but not in the bathroom." I wrap my arm around her waist and raise her to her feet, struggling under every pound of her and she's bigger than me.

The moment I step out of the bathroom the Librarian rushes in and closes the door.

"You have a phone on you? Can you call your friends?"

She turns her head to me, but I can't even be sure her eyes are open as her smile floats up her face. "You're nice."

"Layla. There you are." A girl shrieks and runs towards us, a couple of people following her. "How fucked up are you?" The new girl slides her arm around the other side of Layla, taking some of the weight off of me. "Eww is that throw up."

"Probably. I found her in the bathroom." I try to unwrap my arm, but when I do she begins to fall so I stay put.

The girl turns to Layla. "Having fun, girl?"

Layla's head rolls onto her friends shoulder, but otherwise no response.

"Grant. Help me with her. We'll take her to the car." She gestures to one of the people who followed her over.

Grant slips into my spot and I step back willingly. "Thanks," He says over his shoulder as they walk away.

Now it was time to actually find Rose. She was clearly not in the bathroom anymore.

I followed the crowd streaming into the kitchen, careful not to get pulled into the crowd going the opposite way. Too many people made for a strong current in the narrow hall. Catcalls and whistles swirl around me but I can't see over the people. I nudge my way through, wanting to get to an open spot to scan the area.

Lifting my gaze to the top of the crowd, I spot Andrew walking up the stairs in the back of the kitchen, but a girl trails close behind. Then they disappear. That could have been me, but I guess I should be glad it wasn't. Despite my best efforts, jealousy burns in my chest.

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