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March 1991.

“Due to the bodies been so badly burnt identification was difficult, from the larger of the two bodies I was able to establish using dental records that the body was indeed Shannon Gibbs, however the smaller of the two bodies, the face was to badly beaten and with them only been young teeth they were too fragile and most have been broken therefore I was unable to create a match to any dental records. Due to the location of the bodies and the fact that they were together and the situation as a whole I have to follow my instincts and claim this body to be that of Kelly Gibbs.” said the doctor, who when looked at closely had a face full of worry lines that seemed to have doubled in depth since the start of this case. He turned to look at the other doctor he was addressing with his findings. The second doctor’s weary face mirrored that of the first, full of worry an sadness due to the lack of sleep and the mounting pressure.

The second doctor began "I will tell Gibbs, I think he already knows deep in his heart, but he wanted proof, I'll go get him" The tired doctor brought special agent Gibbs down to autopsy to see the bodies, the doctor warned against it however Gibbs was a strong minded man he always had been. He intimidated most people due to his strong nature and aggressive approach that's what had made him a good marine. But when he was with his family he was like a different guy, so loving and caring, but when it came to protecting his family his marine side still shone through. His face seemed strong but once in a while a cheeky grin, a rare smile would appear although these moments seemed long gone, since the now confirmed death of his wife and the assumed death of his only daughter.

The doctor could not apologise enough even though he had no idea what it was like to lose a loved one especially a child. After the stray tear ran down Gibbs' face, anger shot through his eyes "I will get the bastard that did this" Gibbs turned on his heel and left. The second doctor turned to the first "he never wants to be seen as vulnerable, poor soul. Bag up the bodies be careful not to damage them the fire made a real mess of them, I know they wanted to send a signal but still I still see no motive to burn the bodies ... Anyway put them in the cooler"

A Pain Never Forgotten (NCIS) - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now