Chapter 1

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Oh God!’ he wept. ‘Oh sweet Jesus!’ he groaned and then…..

‘They raped me Bea.’ the raw, aching, anguish was expressed in no more than a whisper as if, even now, the words strangled in his throat, struggling to stay hidden and locked inside.

‘They fucking raped me!’ his voice raising on a bellow of agony and outrage. At long last he had spoken those terrible words and with them voiced his suffering, his shock and his anger

‘Ohh!’ she moaned, her hands swiftly covering her mouth as the bile burned the back of her throat. She swallowed it back down.

‘Oh my God!’ she cried out ‘Oh Dear God! They? What do you mean, they?’ her voice shrill with the beginning of hysteria.

She was motionless, frozen with shock and then she brought herself swiftly under control. It was not her pain she should concern herself with but his. She wrapped her arms back round him, tightening her hold on him and began gently rocking and patting again.

‘Oh, Jonny, Jonny.’ she murmured to him. ‘What have they done to you, my love? What have they done! Tell me, sweetheart. Let it all out, now. I’m here. I love you and I’m here.’

‘Six…! Six of them! Terry….. and five others. They gang raped me!’ he broke again weeping and catching his breath.

‘Two held me down. They nearly broke my arms…. they would have done! One raped me… one forced himself into my mouth… one of them took me in his…… One of them fucking filmed it! I’ve never felt such revulsion…. And they took it in turns to do that to me……all of after the other.......... All six of them! And they hurt me Bea…... Oh Christ, they hurt me so much. They hurt me so bad I passed out……. but they kept bringing me round. Again….. and again

I was terrified. I wish I’d bitten them when they were in my mouth but I couldn’t….I couldn’t, I was too frightened. What….. what they were doing to me was bad enough….. but I didn’t know what else they might do..... And as if they hadn’t hurt me enough already……. they……they beat me too. And one….’ his voice rose to a scream. ‘one of those bastards burnt me with his cigarette. Oh God!’ he choked back his sobs.

‘Terry stopped him….. not because it was hurting me. Oh no, because…. because he didn’t want me scarred. Damaged goods. That’s all I’d have been to him. That’s all I am Bea. All I’ll ever be. Damaged goods!’ he yelled his anguish. She crushed him so tightly to her.

‘No! No.’ she tried to comfort and reassure him.

‘And it’s all on film …… Oh God, Bea…. it’s all on film somewhere.

They’d got balaclavas on….that freaked me out from the start …Six men in black masks with just holes for their eyes and mouths…. I didn’t know who they were…. It was so scary…….I thought…..I thought they were the fucking IRA!…..I thought they were going to kill me! Kneecap me….! And that might have been better than what they did do……Oh Jesus! All of them masked up…..all except me and even though they’re all at me….all over me, you can see it’s me……

Oh yes, I know….. they showed me when……when they’d done with me. I don’t know where that film is……. whether it still exists…… whether it will ever be used……. or even if it’s already been touted round the porn sites.

There’s not a day goes by I don’t wonder if it’s going to break…….. If that ever gets out, Bea, it’ll be the end of everything……… It’ll be the end of me!’ he gulped, trying to swallow his own despair.

His ravaged tear-streaked face gazed at her in anguish.

‘But do you know what?’ he whispered. ‘What’s worse than that? Do you know what destroys me Bea?’ he asked in deepest, darkest misery.

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