Chapter 2 - Smiling Like An Idiot

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Hello Again Loves!!! Thanks to the amazing @MrsStyles9210 for being Harry! Hope you like chapter 2 and have a little laugh! Anyway! Hoping to have chapter 3 up by tonight!! <3 <3 Comment and Vote?? xx

Louis POV

Well I can say I didn't burn down the house I just cooked some two minute noodles. I am used to Ryan doing all my cooking so now It's me on my lonesome on a sunday. Work tomorrow woohoo! You can tell I am seriously pumped. I actually have to thank the cyber Harry, I mean I know he is real and all but he got me to forget about ryan for at least 40 minutes. Exactly what I was hoping. 

I quickly get into some sweats and a hoodie, I have nothing planned today. Normally Ryan and I would go catch a movie on a Sunday but obviously not anymore. I am honestly such a loner without Ryan, he introduced me to people. He turned me into a social butterfly, I will now just be a hermit who goes to work and pays may way through my life alone. Occasionally chatting to randoms on Omegle oh what a life. 

Oh well why not log on and go chat to some other stalker. Harry wasn't a stalker he was lovely. This poor person I am about to chat... It didn't help I just watched an episode on TV

You: Hi! 3:46 PM

Stranger: hello 3:47 PM

You: What's You're name? 3:47 PM

Stranger: Robert 3:48 PM

You: It's nice to talk to you Robert I am Sir Williamson de Squire III 3:49 PM

Stranger: Wow, that's a long name 3:49 PM

You: You can call me will  3:49 PM

Stranger: awesome. hi will! 3:49 PM

You: Hi, Robert where are you from? 3:50 PM

Stranger: Ireland 3:50 PM

You: Cool! Jan 21

Stranger: you? 3:51 PM

You: In west Philadelphia born and raised 3:52 PM

You: On the playground where I spent most of my days 3:52 PM

You: Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool 3:52 PM

You: And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school 3:53 PM

You: When a couple of guys, they were up to no good 3:53 PM

You: Started making trouble in my neighbourhood 3:53 PM

You: I got in one little fight and my mom got scared 3:53 PM

You: And said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Great Britain" 3:53 PM

Stranger: um....da fuck? 3:53 PM

Stranger: wow okay. bye. 3:54 PM *Disconnected*

Oh I know you are all thinking how much of a legend I am right now, Who's the man? Louis the man? I have to thank Will next time I see him. Haha Oh I am cracking myself up right now. Point to Louis. Well that was pretty fun the next person that chats me. Hmm what shall I do? What theme song? *Ding* Oh someone chatted me so soon.

Stranger: HI! xx 3:55 PM

You: Harry!? 3:55 PM

Stranger: yeah! Louis?! 3:57 PM

You: Oh my god, Hey! 3:58 PM

No way, I did not just log onto a chat with Harry! Eep I want to say I was actually thinking about you... Yeah let's not he will think I am such a creep if I actually write that. 

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