Chapter 39

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Here's the next chapter! :D I really hope you guys like it! :D Please vote and comment for it! :D I'm still dedicating the chapters to my loyal readers so please, pretty pretty please, read it, vote and comment for it! Picture of Raven on the side. ;D 

Chapter 39

                Soft fingers combed through Kayla’s long dark hair, untangling the mess of waves. Kayla stared blankly at the mirror, her eyes taking in nothing, even as Sapphire worked on her hair. Despite her disorientation, Kayla was impressed at Sapphire’s seemingly amazing skill with hair and how she was able to make Kayla look like such an orderly person when she was really a mess inside.

                “Do you like it?” Sapphire asked, interrupting Kayla’s train of thought.

                Shaking her head slightly to focus on herself, Kayla stared into the glass. She almost didn’t recognize herself in the mirror; she had taken a shower and changed into a long white dress. Her hair was twisted and coiled into an elaborately braided hairstyle that fell halfway down her back. Déjà vu overwhelmed her for a second as she realized that her reflection reminded her very much of her wedding day.

                Stop it, she told herself sternly. You’re getting sentimental.

                Sapphire’s concerned eyes met Kayla’s in the glass. Swallowing hard, she forced herself to nod in gratitude to her friend.

                “Yes, it looks very nice,” she said simply, almost regretting the tone of formality in her voice. “Thank you.”

                “You look fantastic,” Dahlia said, clapping her hands together. “You look-”

                “Like a bride?” Kayla interrupted, trying to supress the bitterness in her tone. “Yeah, I figured as much.”

                “No,” Dahlia corrected, frowning slightly. “I was going to say ‘beautiful’.”

                Kayla sighed, feeling frustrated, guilty and messed up all at once. It wasn’t Sapphire’s or Dahlia’s fault and yet she was taking it out on them. She didn’t care two hoots about her appearance at Luna’s coronation, but she knew that Luna would, so she had allowed Sapphire to pick out her dress and literally give her a makeover; all three girls were wearing white dresses and makeup. But of course, she couldn’t quite get a smile to complete the image.

                Both Dahlia and Sapphire did look stunning, like models. Dahlia wore a light white dress with two silky layers with the outer one split down the front while Sapphire was dressed in a fine silk dress that flowed to her ankles and made her look older and more mature than she really was. Kayla had a pretty good feeling that if they went with the boys to the coronation, namely Troy and Tamarak, the four would look like they were going to prom.

                “Where did you learn to style hair, Sapphire?” Dahlia asked, toying with one blonde curl.

                Sapphire winked at her as she secured a last strand of Kayla’s dark hair with a jewel-encrusted pin and stood back to survey her handiwork. Apparently satisfied with the result, she turned back to Dahlia, brushing imaginary hairs off her hands.

                “I had a lot of free time,” she said. “Trust me, when you’re stuck in the Catacombs of Paris for about six years, you have a lot of free time on your hands.”

                Dahlia grinned teasingly. “Even when you’ve got your boyfriend there?”

                She realized her slip up the second the words came out and flushed immediately. Sapphire froze momentarily and then gave a smile, but Kayla noticed that it looked rather forced.

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