Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

My head was about to snap off with the amount of times it turned from side to side trying to catch everyone's words. Wanna know what's going on? Are you sure? Are you really, really sure? Well, since you want to know so badly, I'm in school and Silver couldn't keep his mouth shut about my tattoo. Since it's only the beginning of the day, school hasn't started yet but there were still a few people who looked over at our little huddle to wonder what was going on. Now I've got people like Black Star, Patti and Soul who keep saying how cool it is, people like Maka who don't approve, people like Liz and Tsubaki who actually gave matured responses and finally...Kid. Poor, poor Kid. Once he saw the tattoo, he hasn't been the same since. He's absolutely devastated about the fact that I'm not symmetrical anymore.

"H-H-H-How c-c-could you?!" His voice shook violently as he gestured to the tattoo on my bare arm. I had long discarded my coat when everyone kept asking to see it. He's never seen the marks that were on my arm before which is why he's only crying about my asymmetrical appearance now.

I just gave him a meek smile. "I don't know, the idea just came to me so I just did it." I shrugged.

He sniffed, tears coming out of his eyes. "B-B-B-B-B-" he just kept mumbling while Patti and Liz rubbed his back comfortingly.

I awkwardly patted his head. "There, there." I have no idea what to do in these types of situations. I'm not exactly the 'comforting' type, I'm always the one who's being comforted. But I guess that's another reason why me and Silver came here; for life lessons. "Everything's going to be okay." He took deep breaths. 

"That's it, Kid, deep breaths. In, and out, in, and out." Liz said calmly to him. It seems that this has happened more than once as she knew exactly what to do.

He sniffed once more before standing up straight. "Okay, I'm okay, I'm alright." He breathed out, his eyes closed. "But I now have one more person who is no longer symmetrical!" He squeaked out but managed to compose himself by coughing before he was able to start the waterworks again. "You!" He pointed at Silver.

Silver scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, yeah?" He asked confused.

"Do up your top buttons!" Kid demanded.

Silver looked down at his shirt which was buttoned up except for the couple top buttons. "Why?" He asked, looking back up at Kid.

"I cannot let someone else turn asymmetrical on my watch! I lost my own cousin, I'm not going to lose you too!" I snickered at Silver's bewildered face, then Kid's words sunk in and my mouth gaped open.

I turned to him offended. "Hey! Don't talk about me like I'm dead or something!"

"Sorry," He said briskly to me before turning his attention to Silver who hadn't done what he'd said. "Go on, chop, chop; we haven't got all day."

Silver shook his head with a disbelieving look on his face but did his buttons up nonetheless.

Kid assessed Silver and nodded his head. "Perfect." Was all he said before marching off into the school building, Patti and Liz following after him.

Me and Silver followed him with out eyes with our mouths open slightly. "I think that's the weirdest I've ever seen Kid get since I first met him." Silver commented and I nodded my head in agreement.

Soul and Maka snorted. We gave them confused looks. "What?" Silver asked the chuckling duo.

"Dude, he's had much weirder moments than that - trust me, this was a minor situation compared to how freaked out he's gotten before." Soul said, chuckling at the same time.

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