Chapter 30

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So i have to get my head back into school, because I cant fail my grade! I have put two of my books on hold but from time to time ill try to upload!

Anyways, yea this chapter goes out to my cyber sister @shygirl17 and to my bestfriend @starlight2344



Valeria's PoV

Gosh I feel terrible! It has been days since Marcoz told me he was a werewolf and a vampire. He looked soo sexy as a wolf and when he showed me his fangs... Damn he is sexy. His brown eyes that darkened to black when he's mad. When he is happy they lighten to a hazel like color. His lips. Dont get me started on those babies. Gosh soo soft yet firm. The light pink color they take and after we kiss they turn a darker shade of pink. I wish i could kiss him but i have a burning fever. Speaking of fever where is my mother with my chicken soup??

"Ama!! Don ta mi sopa?" (mom were is my soup?) i scream at her ignoring the aching pain on my throat. I didn't sleep well at night, because of the damn fever, and i was feeling damn cranky. I needed my beauty sleep! I also wanted to take a shower. I felt so sticky. My mom wouldn't let me shower; she said that i would get a cold, but really right now I didn't care if I got a cold all i wanted was a shower.

"Valeria, mija can i enter?" my mom asked in her deep accent. When I didnt answer her she popped her head inside. I nodded my head and she came in with a bowl of soup.

"Sweetheart, Marcoz called and said that he would be coming later." she said as she sat down. I looked up at her my eyes weary.

"Ok, but can i take a shower?" i asked her. She looked at me and nodded. 

"Ok but only because you smell like your grandma." I laughed and ate my soup savoring the hint of limon it had. Once I finished I stood up and stripped out of my dirty clothes turning on the water. Once it was just right i stepped in and took the most relaxing shower.

When i was done I used my Spiderman towel to dry my hair and my batman towel to dry my body. I finished applying on my bath and body lotion and but on my black bra and matching panties. I wanted to look good even if he wasn't going to see my undergarments. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a V-necked light blue shirt. I slipped on a pair of Vans and black hood. When I finished I walked to living room. I was sick and tired of laying in bed, and for some strange reason i missed my little brother and sister pestering me. As i neared the living room i could hear Dora the Explore talk. Gosh i hate that bitch! When i was little she asked what my favorite part of the episode was, and as i was talking she started talking! She never let me finish what i was going to say. I saw Violet pout as Dora started talking without letting her finish. Eric on the other hand just laughed at his throwing his action figure at her. She stuck her touge our at him. I laughed at them making them stop their fight and stare.

"VALERIA!!" they both screamed jumping on me making me fall. Gosh i missed them.

"YES!!" i screamed back hugging them.

"We missed you! Mommy wouldn't let us go inside to see you. We thought you were dead." Violet said to me crossing her little arm on her chest and pouting. I flicked her bottom lip laughing at her glare. Eric started pulling at my shirt. I turned to look at him pouting. He reached up and flicked my lip. I laughed and they joined.

"Come on guys who wants to watch The Amazing Spiderman?" i asked them and they both raised their hands running to the living room; plotting their butts on the couch. I walked over and put on the amazing Spiderman.

We were half way thru the movie when the doorbell ran. We looked at each other. I laughed as they yelled and ran to the door.

"MARCOZ!!!" When did he get so famous? I walked behind them. When i reached the door they were already clinging on to him like leeches.

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