rainbow barf

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I sat on the roof of Anna’s house she was in side and Mark called her out as we waited. I heard her heals clicking on the hard wood then a splash Aray and Mark ran out onto the grass as she stormed up to them I dumped the bag of feathers on her from above. “AAHHHHH! YOU ASS HOLES!” She sreamed as the three of us ran away laughing at the 5’4 chicken girl on the lawn. We ran as fast as we could away from the chicken girl she was swinging her arms making it look like she was flapping along with her mouth trying to spit the feathers out.

She looked rediclous. Aray and I fell to the ground a couple times laughing so hard. We were now long gone from chicken girl “alright whose next?” Aray asked stilling laughing. I shrugged and Mark thought “dam I’m out of people I hate.” He stated I smiled and Aray stated “I don’t hate any one. Shay?” I shrugged and said “well Ross but he’s an alpha and I don’t want to be the one screaming Mad alpha.” They nodded and we laughed at the memory of Ash racing threw the hall screaming Mad alpha at the top of his lungs.

Then we all shouted “ASH!” I laughed and we ran to his house. I climbed onto the roof with a bucket of colored dye water balloons. “HEY ASH!!” Aray shouted. I smiled as we waited. I heard movement down on the hard wooden porch as I lifted a green dye balloon over my head I heard “what’s.” POP! Green dye spilled all over me. Laughing was behind me I turned seeing Ash laughing so hard and his window open behind me. I glared and grabbed a pink color and poped it over his white shirt. “HEY!” he shouted.


I ran behind Logan’s truck as we made it to his house. “Logan come out and play!” Logan walked onto the porch and saw us all covered in colored water. He laughed and grabbed some balloons jumping right in. did I mention I have a cool alpha. We played for hours. By the end of the balloon war I was green and blue with yellow and pink and all the other colors but Aray and the guys looked like pretty pink rainbows. We were laughing our asses off as Logan’s mother walked out with his dad and starred at us. “well who won against the unicorn?” Logan’s dad asked looking at al our colors. We all laughed at that and I raised my hand saying “I did! And it barfed on them!” they laughed and we all headed inside to get cleaned up and watch some tv.

As I sat on the couch the guys all claimed a spot. We turned on some horror flims and relaxed I was exhausted from the balloon war but I totally won. Aray had his legs across my lap as his head rested on the arm of the couch. I had to say being the real me was a lot more fun then being shy.

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