Chapter 7

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'Good morning Hermione.' Luna said smiling when Hermione walked towards her and Draco.

'Good morning.' Hermione said cheerful.

'Hungry?' Hermione asked looking at their empty plates.

'We were waiting for you.' Draco said smiling.

'You wouldn't have to.' Hermione said while she sat down next to Draco.

'How late are we going to Hogsmeade?' Draco asked.

'In one hour?' Hermione suggested.

'Okay.' Luna said smiling.

After they finished their breakfast they went all their own way. Hermione ran back to the Gryffindor tower so she could fresh up before they had to leave. When it was almost time to go Hermione went back down. She had put on her scarf with Gryffindor colours and her coat. She walked towards the Great Hall. Draco was already waiting, he looked a little bit nervous, and Hermione hadn't any idea why.

'Ready?' Hermione asked.

Draco looked up, smiled and nodded.

'Are you two ready?' Luna asked while she walked towards Draco and Hermione.

'Yeah we are, shall we go?' Draco asked.

They nodded and went to Hogsmeade. When they arrived there they went first to the Three Broomsticks.

'I'll get the butterbeers, you can look for a place.' Draco said to Hermione and Luna.

They nodded and walked to the place where Hermione, Harry and Ron always sat. Draco came back with three butterbeers and sat down.

'Thank you.' Hermione and Luna said and they packed the butterbeer.

'I have to get some presents for Christmas.' Hermione said.

'Yeah me too.' Luna said.

After they had finished their butterbeers they went back outside.

'Shall we come here again in 30 minutes?' Hermione asked.

'Yeah sure.' Draco said.

Luna nodded and they went all their own way.

Hermione was thinking about what she could get Ginny, Harry, Ron, Luna and Draco. She went to a shop and bought something perfect for every single one of them. She hoped they would like the presents. When she was ready the 30 minutes were over and she went back to the Three Broomsticks. She went inside and Draco was already sitting there.

'Did you find it?' Draco asked.

'Yeah I think so.' Hermione said smiling.

'Shall I get the butterbeers now?' Hermione asked.

'No, I'll get them.' Draco said while he stood up and walked away.

Hermione sat down and packed the butterbeer after Draco brought them.

'Where is Luna?' Hermione asked.

'She was just here, she told me she wasn't feeling good so she went back to Hogwarts.' Draco said.

'Oh really? Is she sick?' Hermione asked.

'I don't know, she just didn't feel okay.' Draco said.

'Oh okay.' Hermione said.

Hermione and Draco just sat there and talked for a while. Then they went back to Hogwarts and they took a walk near the Black lake.

'But how did you feel when your dad was sent to Azkaban?' Hermione asked.

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