Chapter 13-Plan

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"We are here." Jackal whispered. He let me off of his back as we knelt into some bushes that hid us from both the moonlight, and the eyes of the military as they began to pull in. Dozens of them got out of trucks, but in the back, were two of Jackal's kind in ankle and hand cuffs with Kybe being the third to be out of the back of the truck. But for Kybe, a large muzzle was strapped around his face. Their tails were wrapped with thick layers of cloth to prevent anyone from being too injured from them.

"How do we get inside?" I asked. We were at the bottom of the cliff that Kybe and I had jumped off from a few days back. There, a large hidden door opened with ten more guards coming out to help escort the prisoners in. Behind them, leaving out five military men, the rocks closed to make it seem like it was an ordinary cliff once again.

"There, there is a hidden fingerprint scanner in the rocks. We need one of the higher up men to scan in, but we need to find someone worthy enough out of this group." Jackal pointed.

"Alright, then it has to be the guy who is sitting in the truck, filling out paperwork. Guards don't fill out paperwork unless they are at least vice captain now."

"How do you know?"

"My older brother use to be in the military, until your kind killed him." I said, before crawling past him to some bushes that were closer to the target. Jackal silent followed behind, more silently than I could have ever been. He crawled towards the truck, hidden from the moonlight using the shadows of the truck. The man didn't even know he was grabbed through his open window until it was too late. Jackal used his power to make the man fall into a deep sleep, one he would wake from for hours.

Unfortunately, someone close by heard the man grunt, and noticed Jackal. Before he could make a sound, I grabbed him, taking his arm, pulling it behind his back, and covering his mouth with my other hand. From there, I brought him to the ground where I wrapped my legs around him to keep him still. Jackal used the same type of power, the man falling asleep in my arms.

Within a few minutes, I dressed into the man's outfit. Jackal used his abnormal power to take the form of the human, then dressed into the vice-captains clothing.

"Hey, captain, where are you? Lenny is looking for you!" one of the men called. Jackal and I walked from behind the truck, and walked towards the cliff.

"Lenny is looking for me? What could that blimy scientist want from me now?" Jackal said, using an English accent.

"Its about subject 219. He isn't being responsive and wants to see only you. Hey, who is that?" the soldier pointed at me. I stood up straight, heart racing.

"This 'ere be the new recruit. They want me to watch over her. Don't bother with her. You be a good man John." with that, Jackal and I walked towards the cliff. He put his finger onto the pad, causing the hidden door to open.

"How did you know his name?" I asked.

"Remember, I told you that I receive all of the memories of those that I use my power on, that also means the accent and their motions." he whispered back. I giggled slightly, putting a little hop into my step as we walked in.

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