Author's Note

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Author's Note: 

Hey all!! Thank you for taking the time to read this story :D I hope you liked it. There will be no sequel for this story I'm sad to say but Jessy will be making an appearance in my other book 'The protector' I will also be focusing more on that story to finish it as soon as I can. If you love supernatural, fantasy and love stories you should go check out 'The Protector' 

Here is a preview of the story.

The Protector: 

A world filled with monsters and villians that lurk in the shadows is a story your grandmother and dad tell you before bed. A myths and tales with hidden warnings that runs your imagination as a child but you grew up and you find monsters bigger then your fears and villians meaner then the devil. 

Kylie Hanley a teenage girl mentally depressed unable to cope on daily bases but when she moved to Crystal Falls it became silent. All the voices seem to quiet down in her mind the moment her eyes met Tate and for the first time her mind felt at peace. Soon she will figure out it's not just Tate that stopped the pain but the place itself that is filled with stories that started with her bloodline. Secrets and family history comes to the surface that could ruin her life. Werewolves and the supernatural collide into reality but the monsters aren't the vilians in this story. Humans with secret society viewed the supernatural as the destroyer of the world and in order to save the world you have to make your own personal monster. Werewolves, witches, vampires, mutants, lycans, hunters, witches, scientists and humans will create a battle ground on earth and when the ashes of the world crumbles from the aftermath a new world will rise from the ashes in our image. The only question is who is in control? Who will win this battle? Who is the true monsters among us?

In the madness of the world there is still a perfection yet to be destroyed by no one, a love story between Kylie and Tate. Blood will be spilled, murder and crime will be committed but they will wash each other's stained hands with love. If God won't allow them in heaven for what they have done it's okay because a hint of paradise is already in each other's eyes.

This story is not your typical werewolf love story. Read it and find out! :) I hope you enjoy.


Book coming soon!! I will tell you what date. I hope you read it and tell me what you think of the new story. 

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