Chapter Thirteen

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                The movie was good, though I didn’t really understand it. Of course it had been in Spanish, which I knew a bit of, but not nearly enough to get the whole thing. This is why Sebastian whispered to me what was going on. I felt a tad bit bad about it because he wasn’t enjoying the movie himself.

                “That was a nice movie.” I told him as we were walking back.

                “It was. I really enjoyed it.” I let out a sigh of relief; I hadn’t ruined it for him.

                “I’m glad to hear that. I thought I had ruined it for you.” I laughed.

                “How would you ruin it for me?”

                “Well because you had to tell me what they were saying.”

                “Oh haha, I’ve seen that movie at least four times.” He turned him head to smile at me as we held hands.

                “So how are things looking?” I asked.

                “Well it looks like it’s going to rain soon.” He said while his beautiful blue eyes looked upward.

                “You know that’s not what I meant.” I giggled.

                “We should be okay for another week. Then I was thinking we’d go to Europe.” He turned to look at me again, “What do you think?”

                “It sounds wonderful. I guess we’re having a long honeymoon, yeah?”

                I heard him chuckle, “I suppose so, princess.”

                “So what are we doing for the rest of the day?”

                “I was thinking we would go back to the apartment, make dinner, eat, and then perhaps go to the beach. But now looking at the clouds I’d say it’s going to storm tonight. Would you like to go tomorrow? The water is always beautiful after a storm.”

                “That sounds fantastic.” I smiled as I felt a few raindrops.

                “See?” He laughed.

                We walked in silence for another few minutes until it really started to rain. “Run.” Sebastian said and began pulling me along. Keeping up with him was rather hard to do. He noticed this too. I ran into him when he stopped suddenly. He proceeded to pick me up bridal style, only to continue running.

                “Don’t you dare drop me!” I screamed.

                “Wouldn’t dream of it, princess.” He said as he slowed to a walk. He then put me down and opened the door to the apartment building. I shivered as the cold air form the lobby hit me. “You should take a warm shower.” He said as we walked up the steps.

                “I will.” I told him.

                “Maybe I should join you; we are on our honeymoon after all.” He smirked.

                “I think not.” I scoffed.

                When we got to the studio I ran to my bags. “We aren’t going out anymore today are we?” I asked him.

                “No, change into some pajamas. I am as well when you’re done with the shower.” I nodded and grabbed my black and white checked pajamas. On the left upper thigh it reads LET’S GET A ROOM, in pink. A pink ribbon adjusts the size. I also grabbed some pink underwear and a pink and black bra. A white cami would be under my black hoodie. When I got into the clean bathroom I immediately tore off my clothing. I then turned the water on hot and jumped in. The water burned my skin a little but it felt better than worse. I massaged shampoo into my hair after a few minutes. I quickly rinsed and conditioned my hair. When I was finished with that I shaved and washed my body, and then shut off the water. I had to make sure there was going to be enough for Sebastian.

                I got dressed hurriedly, running the towel through my hair a few times. I brushed it once then towel-dried it again. When I was finished I quickly applied eye-liner and mascara. I looked in the mirror and decided I looked decent enough. When I opened the door the cool air hit me. I snuggled closer to the hoodie I was wearing. Sebastian had been sitting on the couch watching a Mexican television show, but when he saw me he quickly got up with his clothes in hand and went into the bathroom. I sighed and sat down on the couch. After a few minutes I had slumped down a bit. When I heard the water shut off I fell into a laying position. My eyes slowly closed and I fell into sleep.

                When I awoke I smelled food. I couldn’t tell exactly what it was, but I knew it was spicy. My eyes slowly opened as I sat up.

                “I made dinner.” I heard Sebastian say. I looked to the kitchen where he stood, putting food on two plates.

                “Thanks. What is it?”

                “Seeing as we’re in Mexico I made Spanish rice with chicken.” He smiled.

                “Sounds good.” I said as I walked to grab a plate. He did the same and we sat down at the table together.

                “If you don’t like it I could make something else.” He said as I took a bite. But I did like it, a lot.

                “No, I love it. You’re an amazing cook. I’d hire you.” I smiled, but he didn’t.

                “I’m an assassin. Who do you want me to kill?” He smirked.

                “Adam?” I asked seriously.

                “Sure, princess.” He smiled.

                “So tell me about the other things the government is hiding.” I told him.

                “Before I do, I need to ask you something. Be honest and seriously think about it.” He told me as I nodded, “If someone were torturing you, would you be able to keep your mouth shut?”

                “Torturing me how?” I was about to take another bite, but his question caught me off guard.

                “Burning you, cutting you, hitting you, drowning you, starving you, you know, basic torture.” He shrugged. And I did think about it. “Would you be able to lie well enough to get someone to stop doing these things but not give away the secret?” He was serious, I knew. I also knew I was a good liar and could be very clever at times.

                “I think so, yes.” I told him honestly.

                “I do too.” He smiled, “So we’ll start at the beginning…”

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