Chapter Twenty-Six

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Taryn was quick to leave the reception lounge, too angry to be around anyone. Asina had told them where, at this current moment, Christian and the Infernum inside him was hiding out and once the news had been broken, Kael’s first words were ‘We’ll go find him, but Taryn stays.’

The following argument had been silenced by a very irritated Asina, and then abruptly returned to Zed’s without even the use of the main Doorway out of the Immortal Halls. Asina had wanted them gone, and quickly. Taryn didn’t blame her.

Just as Taryn stepped into her room she heard someone call out her name. She glanced back, seeing Seth coming up the stairs after her.

‘I’m going to bed, Seth,’ she said, walking into her room.

Seth grabbed the door before she could close it on him. ‘No, you’re not,’ he said, ‘and don’t direct your anger at me.’

Taryn stepped away from the door, silently letting him in. She pushed down her anger and frustration because she knew she had the tendency to unleash it on undeserving people. Her uncle had always told her off for it; bringing her frustration at her university and directing it at him, having a sour attitude toward others after having an argument with Emmy – it was a flaw in her personality.

But apparently so was caring too much.

‘Sorry,’ she finally said, sitting down on her bed.

‘That was easier than I thought it would be,’ said Seth, sitting on the bed opposite her.

Taryn shrugged. ‘I’m all argued out, I guess.’

‘Not surprising, either,’ he said, leaning forward. ‘Do you want to tell me what’s going on between you and Kael? You know, why you two suddenly seem like you want to kill each other.’

She dropped down to her back, bouncing on the mattress, and planted her hands on her face. ‘Definitely not,’ she said.

‘Fine, but don’t decide you want to kill me too after what I’m about to say.’

She pulled one hand away, eyeing Seth across the room. ‘What?’

‘I think it’s a good idea you stay here.’

What!’ Taryn exclaimed, jolting upright.

Seth cringed. ‘Don’t attempt to deafen me either. It’s too risky for you to come with us; what if Christian has planted a trap? What if we can’t protect you while trying to fight off Christian’s attacks?’

She didn’t want to be protected, that was the thing. She wanted to fight too, not have people fight for her.

‘It’s just too risky,’ said Seth, gently this time. ‘I’m not taking sides with Kael – because you know I never would – but staying here is the best thing for you. For all of us. You’ll be safe here.’

‘Fine,’ she said.

Seth gave her a look. ‘Fine?’ he repeated, and then said quickly, ‘You’re going to sneak out, aren’t you?’

‘I’m not!’ Taryn snapped, feeling like a child. ‘I’ll stay, all right?’

He watched her for a moment but Taryn didn’t meet his eyes, too busy biting her bottom lip to stop herself from tearing up with frustration. She already felt like a child; she didn’t need to cry like one too.

Seth stood up, crossing over toward her only to lean down and rest a chaste kiss on the crown of her head. Taryn shut her eyes. She didn’t open them until she heard Seth leave the room.

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