13.[Where His Goddess, Finds Comfort in The Thunder]

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I'm a nice person okay, I update for y'all back to back, try to make this interesting, convey some emotion and make y'all love August even more and Y'all just disrespectful, over 5-7000 people read every chapter in 3 days and y'all can't tap that vote button? Seriously? Y'all say you love these books , how rude. I'll update when I feel like from now on. *flips hair*


[Phoebe—-A week and a few days  Later]

I hummed to myself, anxiously waiting, August's Mother to open the door. I had come over here to, do what I should have. I've been seeing My Psychiatrist, Estelle for an entire week plus now and I've understood myself better. In such a short space of time, I've learnt so much.

I have been taught that I apologize too much. I'm always apologizing and that's a habit I'm trying to and cease desist. She helped me understand that the main reason for my unhappiness comes from within. I'm never content because I don't know how to be. I was never taught. So when August goes and buys me all of these fancy items and does all these extravagant things for me, I'm never okay with it, because I cannot accept, that that's his way of displaying affection

I have grown to be very indecisive because, I've never experience stability in my life. Even though I had Meredith and Scott, in my childhood, they weren't necessarily there for me, and I grow up with that lonely mindset. So now when August comes along, I don't know how to just be okay with his affection.

She has showed me a lot of things about myself and my behaviours, and after just a week, I'm ready for him to come home to me.

So when I woke up this morning and he called me, I wanted to be so honest with him. I don't want to hide anything from him anymore. Because I love him. And I need him, and I would never want to hurt him. So here I am, knocking at his Mother's door.

The door sprung back, revealing her presence. "Phoebe?" She smiled unsure. I was supposed to be at school, but I had to step out for this.

"Hi. Good day. You look very nice." I smiled wrapping my arms around her hastily. This uncertain confidence is pure. I like it. I've been learning to take first steps, and make first moves and this was one.

"You look nice too sweetie, What are you doing here?" She looked down at her wrist watch.

I stepped inside. "Mrs. Sheila. I can't lie to August anymore. I love him."

She sighed, closing the door. "Phoebe Dear..."

I interrupted her going off on a tangent. "We stay up all night on the phone, all night. I feel like I'm in high school again." I chuckled looking directly into her eyes. "Did you know he really likes motorcycles? I didn't know, but we've been getting to know each other so deeply over the phone and somehow, I feel....I feel  so close to him, although he's so far away from me."


"And he's been doing so well, all the fans just love him.  He's got such a soft heart but on the outside, people look at him and go, oh he's so mean. You know he read something he wrote to me last night." I laughed. "He says he's a poetry master mind."

I N D U L G E N C E (August Alsina) Sequel The Second ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now