Part 11

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© Joanna Bock 2012 All Rights Reserved.

First Draft





KATARNA sat on the grass among the trees. A soft breeze blew into her face, and her intuition told her the chosen one was near. She sensed the presence of another, there was a strong sense of desire. It was desire for the chosen one. Katarna realised knowing it could be only one, Lucas “So Carly was right.” She mused, remembering the conversation she had had with her friend. Lucas had intertwined with the chosen one, just as Carly had said.

Katarna held her hands over a small yellow candle, which sat in the east of her circle. With her eyes closed Katarna called into the skies.

“Air, I call you to my side as soft as a gentle breeze, bless the chosen one, enlighten her with good fortune.”

Katarna felt the air around here lift on the breeze. It felt warm on her face and she couldn’t help but take a deep rejuvenating breath as the yellow candle burst into life. She smiled softly, moving her hand in a clockwise direction until it rested over the red candle in front of her.

“Fire I call you to my side. Bringer of warmth, light, bless the chosen one, light her path with good fortune.”

She felt the warmth of the fire she had summon all around her as the candle beneath her hand flared into life. The flame danced wildly as if fighting its confinement.

She moved her hand in a clockwise direction again bringing it to a stop over a blue candle that represented water.

“Water, I call you to my side as cool and rejuvenating as the rains on a summer’s day. Bless the chosen one may she be replenished and blessed with good fortune.”

A gentle spray of water from the stream sprinkled over her upturned face in a soft mist like dew.

The blue candle burst into life, it spit and hissed into a shining glow.

Katarna moved her hand to the green candle directly in front of her holding out her hand she chanted into the night around her.     

“Earth I call you to my side, she pushed her free hand into the grass as the power of the earth rumbled though her, confirming to Katarna that the earth was ready to respond to her. She smiled before continuing to chant. “Earth Mother__ I call upon thee, gift the chosen child. Embrace her with your connection, guide her__ and may she be and blessed with good fortune.” The earth twisted though her fingers as it bound with her flowing though her. The candle under her right hand began building brighter and brighter into a deep glow flickering gently before her.

She took a long piece of Sandalwood dragging it though the flame of each of the candles. She lowered it into a small stone chalice  of Bayberry and Alder, small pieces of turquoise stone lay in the bottom they warmed gently as the contents of the chalice smouldered letting the spicy intoxicating sent floated though the air around her.

Katarna sat still in front of her circle silently she filled her thoughts with Sarah’s presence imprinting her with good fortune before adding tigers eye and amber to the potion. Both stones were perfectly round and engraved into each symbols from the Elvin protection runes.

“Luck and guardianship, Protection and healing.” Katarna uttered softy.

Katarna placed her hands over the chalice pulling the potion into her hands; she held the ball of mist high in the air before casting her spell into the night.

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