The Mobster's Daughter: Chapter 2

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When I arrived at the airport, my plan faltered. I'd hoped to go to my hometown in Italy, but decided against it. They'd look there first, knowing it was my favourite place in the world, but also the most obvious.
"Hello, how may I help you?" Asked a pretty brunette, with a genuine smile.
I stepped up to the counter, fluffing out my long dark hair.
"I need a ticket for the next flight to British Columbia, preferably somewhere near Eagle Creek." My mother had grown up there, but I'd never been able to see it for myself. I gave the attendant a warm smile, pulling out my ID which gave me the name of Kenzie White.
"Have a nice flight Miss White." She smiled, handing me my ticket.
As I settled in my seat I got a phone call from Jake, my father's right hand man.
"Hey Jake." I answered warily.

"Belle! Thank god you're okay. Where are you I'm coming to pick you up." He babbled, and I instantly became suspicious. Jake should have known about the plan.
"On a plane." I wasn't going to reveal anything. Or stay on the phone long enough for them to track my call. The Carlingtons may have even had Jake hostage.
'That reminds me, I need to get rid of this phone.' I made a mental note to do just that.
"Well, where are you going?" His voice had lost the friendly tone, and I knew I needed to hang up.
"Look, I have to go." I hung up without waiting for a reply, and took the battery out of my phone.

As soon as I got off the plane, I got my bag and raced off to the bathroom. I freshened up, and got out my cell phone.
I quickly hit it off the side of the counter, letting it fall on the floor before I stomped on it. I then threw it in the trash along with the battery.

I was officially in hiding.

'Why'd you have to leave me here with no family?' I asked god, straightening my shirt. I could almost see him laughing, since I was the daughter of a mobster, and undoubtedly deserved everything I did.
I then took a deep breath, and pulled open the heavy door to the loud airport. I flounced off toward the door, and came crashing into a rock-hard chest. The next thing I knew I was on the floor, looking up dazed at a shocked man.
"Oh!" He gasped, kneeling down to help me up. I wobbled a little when he let me go, but after a few deep breaths, I could stand on my own.
"I'm so sorry." I sighed, could this day get any worse. I looked up, and was met by the brightest blue eyes I'd every seen. They seemed almost too pretty for a guy.
"No, it was totally my fault." He breathed, running a hand through his tousled blonde hair.
"Well, I should get going." I snapped back to reality, and realized I was still in his well-toned arms.
"Oh, yeah." He took a step back, releasing me.
I held out my hand, "I'm Kenzie." Using the same name as my plane ticket.
"Liam," he grinned, taking my hand.
"Well, Liam. It's been nice meeting you. But I should get going." I pushed my sunglasses down onto my face, and walked past him into the bright morning sun.
As I stood there dejectedly, I realized I was never getting a cab. I was about to head inside to ask the concierge for help when Jake stepped out from the tree-line.
"Hello Belle." He grinned, walking toward me. I turned and ran back into the airport, searching for Liam.

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