Chapter 6 Corey's POV

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  • Dedicated to Demi Lovato

~Chapter 6~

Corey’s POV

I'm going to shorten this a little, since you already heard my sister blabbing about it. My sister and I argue. Brenda interrupts. Mariah sends lightning at the dragon. Lightning hits my sister. She gets sent backwards and crashes into the ground. Simple. After she got blown backwards, I was angry. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, hurts my little sister and gets away with it.  Not Mr. E, not the bullies at school, and definitely not this stupid lizard-thing who thinks its all big and tough. Well, I'll show him. It's not scary at all, until I got up closer to the thing.

I slid my sword out of its sheath, the blade was  a sharp, three and half foot sword with wicked designs on it. The sword glinted in the dark making my face glow luminescent blue. I was about to attack the big metal dragon when a shadow came jumping in front of us out of nowhere. There standing in front of us was a strange guy that looked different yet familiar. He was about five foot ten inches with medium blond hair and emerald green eyes. He was wearing a dark blue shirt with a jet black jacket over it.

His pants and boots were jet black as well so I was assuming he was some kind of goth guy. He was a tan guy with a slight build where he wasn’t buff but he wasn’t skinny either. He looked to be in his early twenties or so I think. He wasn’t carrying any weapons so I didn’t know what this guy was thinking.

“ Alright Jackie Chan, leave this to the professionals before you get hurt.” I shouted to the guy, slightly annoyed.

“ Excuse me, young friend. I came here to save you,” He said, not turning to look at me,” Now step back and let me handle this.”

“What, you don’t even have any weapons!” I yelled indignantly.

The guy ignored me completely this time. What a jerk!

A few seconds later as the full moon rose, Brenda and I backed up slowly to give the strange man room as he got into a fighting stance a whirlwind whipped up all around him as the jewel around his neck glowed with a fluorescent light. We stood there in awe, mostly Brenda, as an aura of light appeared in between his hands. He took a step back, launching the sphere forward at the metal dragon as if the glowing necklace was giving him the power. Freaky!

The sphere raced at the dragon in a blinding speed. The dragon had no time to react as the sphere collided with his body causing a huge explosion, shaking the ground below us.

“ YES, take that lizard breath.” I cheered.

“Nice insult, you twit. Now be silent, I’m trying to concentrate.” He demanded in an arrogant tone, still concentrating on the battle.

As the smoke cleared a few seconds later, he leaned forward slightly to see the results of his efforts. But sadly the attack was in vain as it had no effect what-so-ever. Angrily the mysterious man started to power up for another attack, but the dragon learned his lesson the first time and quickly sent an electric blue fire ball heading straight for him. Shocked, the man stopped what he was doing and rolled sideways to avoid the flame yet still getting his arm burned slightly.  

He was standing there hunched over holding his wounded arm ( “What a wimp,” I thought) as he glanced up in pain he saw before him another attack from the dragon. With his quick speed, he successfully dodged it, running to the tree to guard him from any further attacks.

“ Hey there, young friend! Lend me your sword, quickly!” He shouted to me.

“Oooh surrreee,” I said, sarcastically,” And I thought you had those glowing balls of energy coming out of your chest.”

The mysterious guy flipped his dirty blond locks out of his hair in annoyance.

“ It didn’t come out of my chest, it came out of my necklace with the energy I gathered from all living things, boy. It’s called aura. Get your facts straight.” He said, glaring at me.

The metal dragon roared in annoyance before sending another fireball into the tree.

It exploded, sending bark and twigs everywhere.   

The dust slowly disappeared, revealing the guy crouched two feet away from where the tree used to be.

“Whatever magic man,” I said defeated.

He threw the sword to the guy who caught it out of the air.

“ Here you go, but don’t scratch it,” I added,” Last time I let Brenda borrow one of my weapons she confused it for a hockey stick. Now she’s using the shattered remains as coffee coasters.”

“ Hey, that was an accident. And I distinctly remember you using my bra as a slingshot.” Brenda said, getting defensive.

“You said you weren’t going to tell anybody.” I yelled.

“Too late.”

“GUYS!” The guy shouted,” This is not the time.” Then focused his attention on the dragon.

He slashed at the dragons knee, the blade skidding off with red sparks. The dragon felt no pain from the sword but roared in annoyance. The Wyvern blew bright white hot flames towards the guy. He quickly jumped to the side the fire singing his clothes slightly.

The flame was so powerful, I could feel the flames from where I stood. It tingled my skin with the heat. The guy stood back up from his crouch and prepared for another attack. He put his hands to his gem again, building up the energy from his necklace and into his palm.

The glowing ball of energy grew up to be five foot wide. The guy’s teeth were clenched in complete concentration, a bead of sweat dripping from his temple.

The dragon roars in fury before flame started accumulating in his maw.

They both released their energy at the same time. The guy’s energy and the dragon’s fire met in between them in a burning inferno. The flames licking anything in it’s path. The fire was causing continuous wind around us pushing us back slightly, Brenda and I barely keeping are footing.

The guy grunted as he strained to push the energy towards the dragon. He breathed through his nose, taking more energy out of his crystal. And with one almighty thrust, sent the burning flames at the dragon.

The energy and the flames combined as it enveloped the Wyvern in an everlasting fire with it’s deadly toxic talons. Clouds of dark smoke rising from around where the dragon was in a mushroom shape.

The guy waited as the smoke slowly evaporated leaving only a large singed area. He sighed in relief as he stood back out of his slight crouch. Before he could do anything else a shocked and furious exclamation rang out from one of us. Me, I think.

“WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!?” I shouted.


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