Louis #1

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You were on the couch with your boyfriend Louis, you have been together for two years and never had an argument, well not yet anyway. He was trying to get your attention as you were watching some boring chick flick, well you liked it he didn't. "Babe." He said, "Babes, I want to go to bed come cuddle with me." "Louis shut up, I'm trying to watch the movie." He got up and stood in front of the screen, "please (y/n) I'm really tired." He made a puppy dog face hopping it would help. "well if you are so tired then go to sleep." "Not without you." "You don't need me to sleep." He got aggravated and turned of the TV, he didn't know but you had a horrible day and didn't want to deal with this. "Louis, turn the TV back on now I'm serious." "Or what." "don't push it I'm not in the mood." "Then come with me babe, please, please pretty please." "Louis I said no go to bed." He jump on top of you and started to give you millions of tiny kisses all over your face saying please babe in between each one. "Louis Tomlinson if you don't get off of me right now." "What are you going to do? We both know I'm stronger and smarter." "Louis stop." "Or what you can't do anything about since I am on top of you." "Well then get off of me and I will show you what I will do." He got off of you but grab your wrist pinning you to the wall. "Louis stop, stop being so pushy. I hate when you do this like you control me. I may have been okay with it then, but now I hate it leave me alone and go away." "Babe stop, listen to me. All I asked was for you to come upstairs with me to cuddle but no you had to get this big attitude and go off on me. How about you go." "Fine, I will." And with that you stormed out of the house and ran down the front sidewalk not knowing where to go. "Wait (y/n) come back, I didn't mean it please." You hear Louis yell now running out of the house. You ran faster and the first place you thought of going was the secret garden you found a couple of years ago. Louis knew about of course and went there to find you. He saw you crying and ran over sitting down next to you wrapping you into a big hug. "I'm so sorry babe. I over reacted I should've just went to bed when you told me know the first time, are you okay?" "I'm sorry to Louis I shouldn't of ran. Running from your problems means your weak." "Well you aren't weak. You are beautiful, funny, sweet, amazing, strong, but you are not weak." You stop crying and got up, Louis carried you all the way back home and you to laid together cuddling the whole night.


Okay guys that's my first imagine. What do yall think think I'm not the best writer I know that. I hope to improve my writing as I continue to write more. If you have any ideas let me know, because I could always use ideas. With midterms coming up I'm not thinking as creatively. Maybe when exams are over I will be better but I thought I needed to post something because I have a few fans and maybe some of them would read it. If I ever write in bold AND italic it is actually me talking not my writing. Thanks guys. Oh P.S. if you give me an idea I will give credit.

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