13. The love Bridge

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A/N: Okay, so I guess I owe you guys an apology. I hanv’t written another chapter in this story for what it feels like about 6 months. I don’t even know why, I have had a lot of free time this summer and the start of the year even though I’m not in my gcse year. I have been ill with a virus over the alst 4 days, it’s not Friday and I still havn’t written a word.

I just want you to know, I have received a number of comments on my previous chapter asking me to please update, you have no idea how your support help me you guys! I really appreciate it and love the comments you elave for me. Let me be honest with you, recently I have got really lazy and prefer reading stories on wattpad than writing me own, but im remembering the times when I used to sit in my dorm room and LOVE writing. I have never actually FINISHED  story I have written…always getting writers block and writing a new one. So I am determined to make this the first story I finish, it may take a while, but I make a promise to all of you reading this it will happen. Even the stories I started 4 years ago that were twilight fan fics which have over 20,000 reads on a different site on I still havn’t finished. I think it’s because a while through that I received a really horrible cmment about it saying something about copyright and it really got to me. Anyhow, I know that 90% of people don’t read the Authors note so hope you enjoy!

PLEASE PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!! Should I put it up for wattyawards??!?!

Loveyou guys!

Starbucks (chapter 12)

I looked up at Harry and gave him a look begging him not to open the door, I couldn’t face this right now.

“He won’t go away until I open it” Harry gave me a sympathetic look.

I sighed heavily and hid myself under the blankets hoping if he barged in he wouldn’t see me. I heard the creaking of the door opening as the loud and angry knocking abruptly stopped.

“WHERE IS SHE? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE HARRY, TAKING MY GIRLFRIEND INTO YOUR ROOM?!” Zayn shouted angrily at him, I must admit it even scared me a little.

I made myself known from under the covers “Zayn, by the way you’ve acted don’t be so sure im still your girlfriend!” I narrowed me tear stained eyes at him.

“Katie” the way Zayn whispered my name desperately made me want to run into his arms…but I didn’t. I stood my ground.

“Please just leave!” I replied pleading him, I just couldn’t deal with him right now, I was so tired.

“No, just let me explain!” Zayn took a step forward carefully while I backed away from him. He sighed defeted.

“Fine, but tomorrow morning.” I paused “And you better have a bloody good reason!” I turned away from him showing that I was done with the conversation.

He walked out the door with his head down guiltily. Harry shut the door and came over to me.

“He’s a douche” Harry said seriously.

I couldn’t help but laugh “You’re telling me!”

I sat back on the bed and snuggled under the covers, the last thing I said before I dozed off was “Thank you Hazza”.

I woke up and stretched my arms but found the bed empty, Harry was gone but in his place was a small piece of paper.


I went down to breakfast with the boys, meet you there?

Rachel, lucy and Annie are waiting for you in their room.

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