Pool parties and romance disasters..

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The rest of the week seemed to slowly roll by, Chase kept his distance more accept for the stolen glances and sweet smiles and to everyone’s surprise Khloe didn’t back off her flirting which really hurt Jason so by Friday morning he finally snapped “That’s it Khloe I have been patient with you while you drooled over the new guy, you’ve been a complete idiot I don’t know how you can’t see it, im done were over…” and with that my best friend walked off heartbroken. “Geez someone’s a bit jealous im not that bad…right” Khloe looked at all of us nervously as we all shook our heads trying to control our anger at her. “Oh crap im sorry I didn’t realise I was being such a tool…I better go find Jas, Becca see you in 2nd” I nodded as she walked off.

“Well you ready for tonight baby girl” Kelly hugged me tight as we headed to roll call. “Yeah I got this we’ve been through it so many times it’s not funny, I just have to act like I don’t care about him tonight I got it”. Kelly nodded excitedly and we split off.

The day flew by and Khloe and Jas had almost made up. English was fun Chase kept his distance and smiled his sexy smile a few times. finally the day was over and Kelly and I made our way out to my mini and headed home.

“Ok so we decided hair slightly curled, I know it’s gonna get wet but still wanna look cute”. I nodded as Kelly switched the curling iron on. I sat patiently as she did my hair and after half an hour it looked great. She shoved my clothes at me and I chuckled as I headed into my wardrobe “What shoes Kelly thongs or cute heels?” I waited a few moments until a pair of thongs hit my leg “Those ones babe”.

Finally I reappeared out of my wardrobe to see Kelly jumping around squealing, I burst out laughing as she grabbed me and hugged me tight “Babes Chase is going to be holding you next to him all night, if this doesn’t work then im declaring Chase gay”. I laughed and looked over at the clock 4:58 he was going to be here any minute. I grabbed my clutch and we headed downstairs “You good to lock up K” Kelly nodded and dangled her key “I’ll be out the second you are, text me as soon as you get home or in the morning if it goes well” she wiggled her eyebrows as she chuckled to herself.

Suddenly there was a honk outside and I was nervous “Hey Becca you got this ok, you like him a lot just gotta try” I nodded and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and headed outside. Chase was standing at the car with my door open for me “My lady your chariot awaits you” I chuckled and kissed his cheek and climbed in. Chase climbed in and we headed off “So bestie my brothers names Jake and that’s all that really matters you’ll meet everyone else”.

I smiled and nodded as I flicked through the radio stations, I caught Chase looking at me and realised what I was doing “Im sorry not used to riding with other people what station was it on?” Chase grinned over at me “No I don’t mind just cute is all” I blushed and sat back, a few minutes later we were pulling up at a one story house that looked cute and cosy “Where here” I rolled my eyes at Chase and we both jumped out at the same time. “Look I no you can handle yourself just please be careful in there ok” I smiled and squeezed his hand “Come on lets go party I can hear some awesome music” Chase chuckled and led me to the door and pulled me through the house “Everyone’s out back already so just down the hall is the bathroom” I nodded and looked over the place it was beautiful clean and neat not your typical bachelor pad.

We made it out the back and as we walked 2 steps out Chase was tackled and thrown in the pool. “Damn it Jake you promised” I chuckled as Chase climbed out of the pool, Chase’s brother walked over to me and picked me up in a bear hug “So your Becca im Jake Chase’s older brother your all he ever talks about lately” I froze and looked to Chase who was staring daggers into Jake’s back. Jake winked at me and strolled away cheekily, Chase was by my side in an instant “He was just being a dick sorry should have warned you Jake can be a dick sometimes” I smiled and passed him a towel “Chase im a big girl I can handle myself go have fun”.

 After an hour I had met all the guys and they were hilarious, I noticed a few girls hanging off Chase but I kept my cool. “So Miss Becca you got the hots for my lil bro there” I smiled over at him and just stared at him for a sec. “Oh please I know the story of how you both met it was my nightclub and for all it’s worth Chase likes you a lot but he can be a pussy sometimes” we broke out laughing and Jake gave me a gentle hug “Look I think there’s nothing wrong with your little situation so just hang in there he will snap eventually but I want to help you out” I looked Jake over and he help me off the step and pulled me to the side of the house “ok look Chase gets jealous easily so you need to get under his skin, so as your future brother in law I will take it upon myself to be your flirting buddy, we don’t have to make out or anything but just make Chase jealous he will snap” I laughed and nodded as we slowly headed back out to the pool area.

Straight away I found Chase’s eyes on me and then he dropped his gaze to Jake and mines hands linked together, Jake chuckled softly next to me “B I think I just saw a vein pop in his head this is going to be so easy”. Jake held me around the waist and pulled me in close, I could see the jealousy in Chase’s face but to my horror a few minutes later he was cuddling up to some bimbo blonde. Jake pulled me tighter in breathed in my ear “I think he’s on to me, your going to have to make it real convincing” I looked at the skanky blonde all over Chase and rage shot through me so I grabbed Jake by the neck and kissed him deeply. I pulled away blushing furiously and looked up to a chuckling Jake “Atta girl Becca”. I turned around and noticed that the blonde skank was now straddling Chase in a very awkward way and was sucking his face like no tomorrow, oh god I had fucked this up big time, there goes my chance of getting Chase…

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