My Two Little Angels

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**All characters in the Harry Potter series go to J. K. Rowling. The Masons, Jake Ryder, and Amanda Wills are all mine :)**

My Two Litttle Angels-

Sirius' pov

"What do you mean your water broke!" I gasped.

"What I mean is if you do not get Molly Weasley here right now I will kill you!" She panicked. I nodded my head and apparated away. I don't know if it was pure luck that I ran into Molly, but whatever.

"Sirius? You should be watching Maddie! Why are you here-"

"Maddie's water broke." I said, cutting her off. Her eyes widened and she dropped the basket of fruit she was carrying.

"Tell Fred and George. Here's some money, be a dear and pay for this." She replied. Without warning she apparated away, leaving  me with a basket of fruit and a hand full of coins. I ran up to the register, paid for the fruit, and ran into Diagon Alley.

When I say this place is deserted, I mean it's really deserted. From what I could see, there is only maybe four people walking down the alley. Anyway, Fred and George's joke shop wasn't hard to find, considering it was so colorful. I ran into the store, which was full of life.

"Ah, hello Sirius! Come to by a product?" George asked.

"Take anything you like, free of charge!" Fred said excitedly.

"Fred. Maddie's having the babies!" I shouted. The room got quiet and Fred dropped a Skiving Snack box onto the floor. He gulped and looked at his twin.

"I'm going to be a father.. I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!" He shouted happily. The room erupted in applause and he ran to me. "Can you hold the fort?" He called to George. He nodded vigorously. I took Fred's shoulder in my hands and apparated to the Burrow.

"Sirius! Don't let Fred come in here!" Molly shouted. I looked at Fred who had pain written across his face. "Sirius, quickly, I need your help!"

I looked at Fred and raised my eyebrow. He put his hands up in defeat and sat at the kitchen table.

Fred's pov

I paced back and forth for who knows how long, but when I was about to lose it, I heard a cry. No, not Maddie crying, a baby. My heart swelled with pride as I realized that was my baby. A few minutes later, another cry. A smile played at my lips and my heart was beating fast.

"Fred, come meet our lovely son and daughter." Maddie called.

I burst into the room and the smile on my face grew wider than I thought possible. Maddie, covered in a little blood, was holding a little brown haired boy in her left hand and a little red headed girl in the other. Mum was in tears and Maddie was smiling proudly.

"Don't just stand there! Come hold your baby boy." Maddie said softly. I swiftly made my across the room  and knelled beside a very tired looking Maddie. She gently handed me the little boy who was wrapped in a blue blanket. He slowly opened his eyes and revealed his hazel colored eyes. He just looked at me and my heart filled with joy.

"Toby?" I asked.

"Toby James." Maddie replied, a smile on her lips. I stood up and sat down on the couch she sitting on.

"He's got your eyes Maddie. And your hair." I said happily. She gave me a warming smile before holding out her arm. I gently placed Toby in her arm and they gently grabbed my baby girl. She had a little bit of red hair and long eyelashes. Her eyes were open and they were a soft blue. She just looked at me like her twin and again my heard filled with joy.

"What's her name?" Mum asked. I looked at Maddie, who had a twinkle in her eyes.

"Her name's Arabella Scarlett." She replied. "Bella for short." She added. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before handing Bella to Mum.

"She is so precious." Mum said, holding back tears. Maddie handed Toby to Sirius and he smiled happily as he cooed over our child. I looked at Maddie and she had tears in her eyes.

"I love you." I whispered while tucking a soft curl of Maddie's hair behind her ear.

"Love you too." She squeaked. Her arms went around my neck and her lips met mine. I smiled into the kiss. When she retreated, she looked at Mum and Sirius.

"I think I'll send an owl to Harry, Ron and Hermione. They'll want to know." She said softly. Maddie stood up, and then sat back down. "Um.. Fred, can you get me some paper and a quill?" She asked sheepishly. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Mum and Sirius, who switched with the twins.

"I think it's funny, how we got fraternal twins." I said while grabbing a quill from the drawer. Maddie laughed softly but smiled.

"I think the role of identical twins is already taken by my best friend and husband." She smiled. I handed her the quill and paper and stood up.

"Do you mind if I go tell George? I left him all alone at the shop." Maddie shook her head.

"Go, I think we've got it covered."

Maddie's pov

"Molly, I really don't want to be a bother, but after I'm done writing, could you watch them both while I go shower?"

"Oh not a problem dearie!" She said enthusiastically. I grabbed the quill and began writing.

Dear Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny if she reads this.

Guess what? Toby and Arabella Scarlett were born today. Toby looks just like James, brown hair, hazel eyes. I really hope you  guys come visit soon! Anyway, Arabella Scarlett has Fred's hair, and Arthur's eyes. They are both so adorable! They aren't crying much, so I'm glad they took after Fred, cause you know, I'm a big cryer :)

I don't think I told you in my last letter, but the Masons were murdered. Perhaps you saw it on the front page of the Daily Prophet. Either way, I'm just tell you guys this because you need to be careful, especially with Snape as D.A.D.A teacher! Oh and Harry, please, P.L.E.A.S.E. stay safe. Listen to Hermione, she's usually right. And one last thing, stick together, all of you. Don't fight and just be.. friends or whatever. There is something going on out there, and the last thing I need is for you guys to be fighting. Anyway, MWAH!

With Love,

Madeline Jane Weasley (Oh I love being called that!)

I took the letter, stuffed it in an envelope and called out for Amare, who was always flying out an about. Amare flew in threw the window and landed on my head. I laughed as I recalled a memory of four years ago when I first met Amare in America. I held out my arm and she climbed on. I attached the letter to her leg and told her to bring it to Harry Potter. She flew out the window and I sighed with content.

"I've got the water running dearie, and the twins are asleep in Fred and George's old cribs." Mrs. Weasley said. She helped me up and ushered me to the bathroom, where I took a nice long bath. After who knows how long, I got out of the tub, put on some long pants and a cloak, an made my way to the sitting rooms to sit with my two little angels.

Toby was sleeping soundly while Bella was looking up at the ceilling. I leaned over her and smiled. She looked me in the eyes and it was like having a staring contest. She won after I started cooing to her.

"You and your brother are the cutest babies ever!" I squealed. She blinked. I heard a crack and George and Fred appeared. George immediately looked into the crib and smiled.

"Oh my God they are so cute!" He whispered. Fred came over and put his arm  around my shoulders.

"One happy little family." He whispered.

"One happy little family." I repeated.


asdfghjkl so cute :)

<3 Wren

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