A baby named Angel

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  My body ached,my heart beat had lessened to just a few beats per minute,and my veins felt as though they were transporting acid throughought my body. I felt so alone,it was unsettling. I attempted to talk,but I had only allowed myself a whisper,''Kill me'',I pleaded. My back was to the cold floor. It ached. It felt odd when I brushed against it,almost--feathery? I must've been laying on a old pillow. I can't describe where I was,I mean-I saw everything,felt everything,knew everyone,but something greater than myself is keeping me from describing the sensation of the building where I was. I slowly arose. My floral print summer dress was covered with blood stains,appearing to be a terrible scene. I asked myself, Am I hurt? Did I kill someone? I was in pain,but it didn't seem to appear that someone tried to hurt me. I lied back down. My head was ringing. I wanted to go back to sleep,or atleast be in a state of mock comfort. The plain grey floor was so chilled,it shocked my pale skin. I allowed myself rest. And to sleep I went. 

  The second time I woke up,it was to a infant sobbing. I cried with it. Not because I was hurt,which I was,but because I felt like it needed me. Where was it? I crooked my neck. I didn't see where the baby was,and it's cries for nurturing appeared to bounce of every wall. It was a stupid idea,but I did it. I looked up. Why would a baby be up,I didn't know,and I still don't. I could feel my face fall and my cheeks burn. Such an idiotic instinct. There was no baby. Especially considering the circumstance I was in, I didn't know why I. Louder,I screamed,'KILL ME!',and finally the baby's cries ended,as the final words escaped my lips. 


''She didn't make it.'',a tall broad-shouldered man in a white lab coat grimly stated. Another man,with crazed,sleep deprived eyes and poorly combed hair,fell to the ground on his knees. His palms hit the floor. His tears hit the floor harder. ''No'',he muttered. 'No,no,no,NO!'',he hadn't realized it,but he was screaming. His hands lifted and brushed through his copper colored hair. His face had slowly began to regain the color it had lost when he heard the dreadful words. In a meek tone,his throat still sore from crying,he whispered,'M-my baby..?' The man in the lab coat actually managed a slight smile,though grimacing somewhat. 'She's completly healthy.' 'Bring her to me',the new father stated bluntly. 'Well,I wouldn't recommend taking her out of the hospital ro-' 'Now.' The doctor nodded,whispered something to the nurse,whom brought back a yellow bundle in her hands,carefully passing her to the rugged looking man.He kissed the newborns forehead,bringing it as close to him as possible,and almost silently,'Your mother was an angel,my beautiful Angel.',and again,he began to cry,but this time,from pure bliss. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2013 ⏰

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