Going through puberty

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So middle school is pretty harsh right now. Lots of people are changing but none of them as bad as me. I've got these red spots all over my face, my voice is changing from high to low and I've now got my period. It sucks being my age. Everyone at school teases me for having glasses and pimples. I've had enough!! I'm sick and tired of people teasing me for what I look like, people shouldn't care what I look like. They should stop wasting their time judging me and look at themselves first. There this one bully at school, his name is James, and he can't stop picking out the things I've done wrong or the things that I'm doing.
For example in maths I sat down at a desk with my books, got my work out and he walks in and tells me to move because he wanted to sit next to best friend Jarred. I told him I wasn't going to move because I got their first and I was talking to my friend. He really wanted me to move and so he pushed all my books off my desk. I got up to get my books in anger and moved to the other side of the room.
Matt is the biggest bully I have ever come across. He makes me so angry that I just want to punch him in the face. I've told my parents about it but all they do is constantly push me away all the time. It really sucks. I think the worst part about high school is the work and assignments. I try to get help from mum and dad but they refuse, as a result I fail and they get even more angry.

*Mid June*
I've finally got a few friends now, after months and months of trying some people have seen past the ugly face that others see. I think my closest friend out of them all would have to be Brodie. He just understands everything I say about life. Kate she's the sporty one and she's always teaching me something new. Zaine he's kinda the nerdy, sporty one. His main focus is cricket and footy but behind that sporty shell of his he loves to study and read. I may only have three friends but that's all you need, imagine being one of those popular kids who has like 40 friends. I wouldn't be able to remember all the names. School's slowly getting better, now that I have my friends. I'm not in any classes with Brodie but we hang out a lot after school and stuff. I think he's a really cool guy.

Going through puberty is the worst thing, especially when you have three brothers. I got home one afternoon from school and walk through the door, guess who's standing there? My brother..! He's constantly calling me pimple face, four eyes and a geek. I'm not a geek, I may love to read books but that doesn't mean I'm a geek. Going through puberty really does suck if you live with me. You don't eat as much because people call you fat, you start exercise more and try be fit because people say you are out of shape. See I may not be happy about myself but that doesn't mean you can go around pointing it out so I feel even worse about it. My best friend Brodie tries his best to distract me from those types of people and I know he's doing because I can do so much better. I couldn't have asked for a better friend...

Soo guys there's the 2nd chapter of my book, hope you like it. Don't forget to share, comment, and vote as I have put the most thought into this. I even worked on this during class so hopefully it paid off
Love you as always Xx❤️ -Ang

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