Chapter One

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Hi there! I am currently rewriting this story. The chapter below has not been modified to suit the changes being made to the plot, however you can still read it if you wish!

Thanks, Gabrielle

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I was sure my ankle was twisted, but still I kept on running. Every now and then I glanced back over my shoulder, a cloud of tangled hair whipping around my face, having previously fallen from its loose plait. They were still out of sight, yet I could hear their faint shouts ringing in the air. Much to my dismay I was still being pursued, and they were getting closer.

Unfriendly shadows tainted the rough ground, casting nightmarish, ever-changing shapes. While trees soared into the sky like giants, their ominous branches reaching and clawing for my fleeing figure. Far above me an eerie glow filtered through the evergreen leaves, shrouding the otherwise bare, winter-ridden branches; its light growing dimmer as the trees became more closely knit.

The only sound was the low murmur of crackling leaves in the wind, their whispers secret for all but themselves, accompanied the harsh sound of my ragged breathing.

I had always been told to never venture far into the forest, and I was quickly realising why. It seemed that every shadow was another monster, every noise a whip in the night, and as I continued to run through the vastly unchanging landscape, I knew that whether or not the men who were chasing me caught up, I would not last long.

Stumbling along the non-existent path, I ran until the pain in my ankle was so intense, and my exhaustion so deep that I simply could not continue. I fell to the ground with a crunch of foliage and a snap of twigs, as my legs buckled beneath me, and for a moment I lay there on a bed of leaves, gazing up at the twisted trees above. But then I remembered that I was not in fact running for the pleasure of it, but to stay alive. Heaving myself into an upright position, I was able to crawl far enough to reach the nearest tree without too much trouble, all the while aware that they could appear at any moment.

Leaning against the rough texture of the bark, I allowed my racing heartbeat to slow, and my heavy panting to decrease as sweet air flooded into my lungs. Gingerly, I prodded at my swollen ankle, causing a barely audible hiss to escape my lips. Closing my eyes, I scrunched up my nose in annoyance; my ankle was definitely not looking good.

Breathing in the damp undergrowth around me, I allowed my thoughts to wander to my pursuers. I didn't know who they were, or what they wanted. All I knew was that they invaded my village, killing my uncle, my only remaining family member, and almost everyone else. Friends. Teachers. Travellers. All innocent people. But not me. I had managed to escape, and now they were playing a game of cat and mouse with me. One I did not wish to play.

Without warning the sound of trampling boots and harsh shouts filled my ears, ending my reverie like a bolt of lightning.

Jumping to my feet, adrenaline numbed the throbbing in my ankle, and I was able to stand without much difficulty. Eyes flashing wildly like a blue and grey storm, I rushed forwards and grabbed at a low branch, using the momentum to swing myself up. Although rather flimsy, the perch held, and I silently withdrew my dangling legs from sight. However, I was not high enough to be completely hidden from view, so I pressed myself backwards into the depths of the leaves, willing my breathing to fall silent, and my trembling hands to still.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are, Princess," a man's rough voice sang.

Pressing myself further into the rough bark, I bit my lip as a large knot jabbed into my shoulder blade.

Just then my pursuers wandered into view. The first of the men towered high above the other, and was as covered in grotesque scars as he was weapons. On the other hand, his companion was of a small, slender make; his beady eyes flitted across the area, seemingly taking in every bent twig, every little thing that looked out of place. I didn't know why, but the second man scared me more.

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