My Hectic Week | The Goblet of Fire

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Daisy PoV

“Whenever you’re, like, ready, guys,” Helga said, smiling to us. “Good luck!”

I sighed and look huge deep breath. Here goes nothing. The Durmstrang students behind me flamed their boomerangs (for the guys) and batons (for the girls.) Aaron and I flamed our individual “props”; Aaron had a staff and Krum used when he came to Hogwarts and I had the streamers.

The doors creaked when they opened and I smiled, determined and ready.  “Huh!” We shouted, still behind the door. I saw the people jump and look at us.

Aaron and I walked with our feet in sync and our props on fire. I walked on the end of the Great Hall, between the Ravenclaws and Slytherins; Aaron went in between the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs.

It was dead silent. The people of Hogwarts were anxiously waiting our next move and some were avoiding my still flaming streamer. I glanced at Aaron with a mischievous look. He nodded and my other classmates ran in with their batons and staffs. Aaron and I stayed put while the rest were twirling their staffs and batons and exchanging them.

“Holy crap… that’s amazing…” A Ravenclaw sixth year said in a small whisper and in awe. The others around him simple nodded and their eyes were still fixated on the others.

When they reached the front of the Hall, all of them did their loud staff/baton beat on the ground and yelled, again, “Huh!” The boys pointed their staffs at me and the girls pointed their batons at Aaron. The students looked at us and I smiled.

All in sync, we said, “We are Durmstrang Institute. Victorious, we will stand.”

Aaron and I ran to the front, doing tricks with our streamers and scaring the Hogwarts and Beauxbatons students with the fire. When we reached the top, my classmates blew into their fire and a large fire dragon appeared.

Hogwarts burst into applause. Awesome! That was better than the rehearsal! Ah! I’m so proud of my people! We bowed and Krum entered. He shook hands with the Headmaster of Hogwarts and the Headmistress of Beauxbatons.

After that, we sat down. Bradley and I with some others went to the back with the Ravenclaw people.  I looked to the side and saw a really familiar person. He looked at me and his expression was the same.

“No way… Daisy...” The Asian boy said.   

“Oh, my, gosh… Keng!” I exclaimed. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

“I can’t believe you still remember me!” He said.

“I know, but it’s easy to remember to people who were nice to me in Charms class.”

“Yeah, I guess so. So… wow, you’re Head Girl! My mum was a Prefect but not the Head Girl. And you’re the Head Girl in fifth year! That’s more than amazing! It’s unbelievable!”

“Awe Keng, you flatter me too much! So how’s it been?”

“Normal. Extremely normal. I’m so glad that my mum and dad let me put my name in the cup. Well, not yet. But when the Goblet of Fire comes out, I’m going to!” Keng said in so much determination. “Are you?”

“Uhm… I don’t think so. I mean, I haven’t really talked to them in a while so this never came up in any letters. And I don’t really care. I have Quidditch and I’m the Head Girl of Durmstrang. Being the Champion of Durmstrang is too much to handle with my situation.”

“That’s true. Well, you better root for me, if I get picked!”

“Sure, sure. You’ll be the only Hogwarts student that I’ll be rooting for.”

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