Episode 10

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For Destination_PTX

"Don't be nervous! It's making your face turn red." Travis grabbed my arms so I would stop pacing in front of the door. He brushed my hair away from my eyes. "Relax. They'll love you." I pulled on the end of my sweater sleeves. I was the last person to meet Scott's family. I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"I wish someone would tell me what they were like."

"We were told not to." I nodded in understanding. No one was leaving this week so that was a relief. But if his family didn't like me, I will cry. I can't handle when parents don't like me. Kristian's father didn't like me and it killed me. He wouldn't talk to me. He wouldn't even look at me. What if Scott's family was the same? What if they all hated me and Scott sends me home because of it? "Mitch, take a deep breath. Breathe." I could feel the heat on my face. It felt like I was under a pile of those big, fuzzy blankets.

"I can't. I'm so nervous. What if they hate me?"

"I came into this hating your guts. But look at me now. I would not trade our friendship for anything in the world." I looked down at where Travis was holding my hands in his. I could feel myself calming down. It was only a little though. I still felt like I was going to puke. I took a shuddered breath in when the doorbell rang.

"Oh, Mitch." Scott looked over my red, blotchy face with an amused smile. "Come here." He brought me back inside and to one of the downstairs bathrooms. He got a washcloth wet, rung the excess water, and touched the cool cloth to my cheeks. My skin should return to normal, hopefully.

"Hi." He only smiled even wider.

"Hi, honey. How ya doin'?" I know he was doing that to make me laugh and I was so glad that he did. I let out a soft giggle.

"Much better." I moved forward to hug him. He set the cloth on the counter top before returning the gesture.

"Don't be nervous, Mitch. I picked you to go last for a reason." I couldn't really tell you how we arrived on his parents' front step. I don't even remember sitting in the limo that pulled away. I was that fucking nervous. I noted that my hands were shaking from where they were hidden in my sleeves. Scott turned me by my shoulders to face him.

"What if they don't like me?" I blurted. I felt a tear blink out of my eye. Oh god, I'm a mess. I ran my fingers through my hair before grabbing fistfuls. Scott held my face in his cold hands.

"Mitch....They will love you. Just like I love you. Okay? So stop being nervous, baby." I felt my heart pick up speed. It wasn't about my nerves. It was the pet name. I was here for Scott. I was here so I could marry him and have him call me that every day. I nodded.

"I love you too." He leaned down to capture my lips in a soft kiss.

"Did I mention you look gorgeous?" Instead of my nerves lighting my cheeks, it was a blush. I was holding both of his hands as his forehead was placed against mine.

"I messed up my hair, didn't I?"

"Actually, you didn't." I took a deep breath in and let it out as a sigh. "You can always hold my hand when you get nervous, okay? I'm not going to leave you alone until you're comfortable."

"Okay." I could feel a small headache coming on. I stressed myself out so bad. God, it hurts.

"Now, we are going to go in there and my family is going to know why I love you." He gave my hands a tight squeeze. "Everything will be perfect." I held onto his hand tightly as he opened the door. I was surprised no one greeted us right away. I was also relieved. I would be able to calm myself down some more.

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