Chapter 8

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After an hour of just sitting there i decided it was time to leave. i paid for the coffee i didn't drink and walked out, slipping into my car. i placed it in gear and eased my way out of the parking lot. i didn't know where i was going after i left L.A.  all i knew was that i had to keep on the move, for now at least. i reached the coast when i realized the same car had been following me for a couple of miles now. i eased alittle more pressure onto the pedal and the car behind shadowed me.

i gulped, my mind running on an empty stomach to try and figure what i had to do to lose the guy. then a large black SUV swung out from behind the range rover and sped past me, only to swerve and cut me off a few kilometers ahead. the range rover followed only this time the guy drove it straight into the black SUV. the crash was magnificent as a flurry of metal flew everywhere.

then i realized that i was quickly running out of places to drive. the crash had taken up the two lane road and before i knew it i was nearly infront of them. i stepped onto the brakes but i knew i wasn't going to stop in time and i knew that a head on collision in my nissan probably would result in my death so i turned the wheel hard, sending my car over the rail way.

For almost a minute there was a feeling of weightlessness as my car soared into the sea. i let out a scream as my car slammed into the crashing waves, my seat belt yanking me back into the seat. Glass shattered all around me, the feel of the cars metal framing slightly buckling beneath me. Then the water came, it filled the inside of my car, a deep gurgling came within as precious air was swapped out for water.

i tried to push the door open but the crash had molded it shut from the impact. seeing the only way out i slipped through the broken windshield, letting out a small cry as glass cut deep into my sides. As i surfaced, i gasped, taking in large amounts of air and water. i swam towards the shore, grabbing onto the large rock that lay at its feet. Looking towards the road i saw a familiar man with spikey hair step out of the range rover and pull out a gun from the inside of his pocket.

He aimed it at the man in the passenger seat of the SUV and fired twice. i felt myself freeze alittle frightened by the mans quick actions. Then darien looked out to the water, his eyes searching. when he found me staring up at him, he walked to the rail and stepped over. i was still in shock that i hadn't moved by the time he had reached me.

"i'm surprised you even survived that thing at all." he said with a cool indifference. i looked up at him mouth still open. he looked at me pointedly for a minute before i was able to snap myself out of it.

"are you going to kill me to?" i croaked, eyeing his pistol that he still had clutched in his hand. darien sighed softly before slipping it into his suit jacket. "why would i wreck my car just to kill you anyways. i could have saved myself the trouble and the money just by allowing those men to kill you themselves." he scoffed reaching a hand down to me.

i batted it away. "don't fucking touch me or come near me!" i hissed. "this is all your fault!" darien's face split into a glare. "look bitch! you are just as responsible as i am! now you need my help to get out of here alive! now i suggest you shut the fuck up and get your ass moving!" he growled reaching down and yanking me to my feet by my forearm.

I wiggled my arm, trying to get him to let go, but his grip didn't falter.  "we have to leave now, by my bet, scorsayzy has more men on the way." he released me and started on his way back up to the road. “why did you save me anyways?" i called after him. "I thought you couldn’t care less if I lived or died?”  he turned back around and looked at me levely. “yeah well, not everyone is as heartless as you may think they are.” the sound of cars swerving caught our attention.

Darien swore softly before pulling his gun from his side. "get down and stay down." he hissed, motioning for me to duck.  i did as i was told, hiding behind a rock. i watched as darien scaled the large rocks with ease disappearing from view a few seconds afterwards.

the sound of 4 gunshots echoed in the air. i jumped, fear gripping me as my mind rushed to the fact that darien could have gotten hurt. Suddenly the sound of footsteps came. i pressed myself closer to the rock when hands gripped me. i let out a small cry before darien's face came into view.

"keep quiet! we have to get out of here. i'll take you to a safe place, but we have to leave now." he said in a hard voice. he yanked me up from my place and pulled me up the rocks to the new SUV. i gasped seeing the dead bodies laying around the car doors.

"get in." he ordered, pushing me towards the passenger door. i slipped inside, trying to keep my eyes off of the ground and dead bodies. Alot of people seemed to be dying around this guy and i haven't even known him for more than 24 hours!

My Unfortunate Fairytale with the Son of a Mafia Boss- ON HOLD!!!!Where stories live. Discover now