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During the recess I've noticed that Lucas and Kayla were siting in the cafeteria, alone. No Jimmy. Lucas was so alluring, so breathtaking, so…mouthwatering. Just thinking of yesterday, his hands sliding down my naked skin, his lips burning into mine, made me mind drool. I wanted him. I really wanted him. But I still felt bad for Jimmy. I sneaked out of the cafeteria, before Lucas could notice me, and went searching for him.

I found him at the front door, smoking. He was leaning up against the big grey wall, right next to the No smoking sign.

»You're gonna get punished if they see you.« I said, steeping towards him.

He lifted his head, raising his eyebrows. »Screw that.« He silently laughed. »What's a day without a cigarette?« He gazed at me with his piercing blue eyes. »Well, for me at least. I've gotta have my coffee and my cigarette, so I can stay focused in the class. They should be thrilled I'm smoking.«

I leaned on the wall, next to him. »Sorry.« I apologized. I needen't to say nothing more. We both knew what I was talking about.

»That's alright.« He snorted and looked at his shoes. »Lucas is an okay guy, but…« He stopped and furrowed his eyebrows. »I just hope he doesn't hurt you.« He suddenly looked at me.

»What?« I asked.

»What's that on your neck?« He pointed towards me.

»What?« I covered the spot. I knew exactly what he was talking about. The love bite.

»Did he…« He grabbed my hand and pulled it away. »He did.« He let go of my hand and leaned back on the wall, looking all frustrated.

»I know he has a secret,« I sighed »but I decided that I don't have to know. It's just not worth it.« I swallowed, preparing to say something that was really hard to say. »I…« I mumbled. »I think I really like him.« I breathed out, finally relieved.

Jimmy raised his head, looking at me with a surprise. »What do you mean you don't need…« He shook his head, losing his smile. He tilted his head up against the wall, letting locks of hair slip off his cheeks. »I think I knew you liked him. You never looked at me the way you look at him. You should've seen yourself Skye, your eyes widen, your cheeks get red with colour, you slightly open your lips…« He slowly smiled. »You'll never look at me like that. And Lucas…« His face became a bit dark again, and the smile disappeared again. Jimmy threw the burnt out cigarette on the floor and smashed it with his shoe. »It doesn't matter.«


»Nothing. I've gotta go to the bathroom.« He opened the door.

»Jimmy…« I tried to stop him, but he cut me off.

»See you, Skye.« He murmured and walked through the door.

                                                         *                          *                        *

Math. Is there anything more boring and abusive on this world? I mean, it's just horrible and useless. Yeah, we use subtraction and addition, but who the hell uses logarithms, square roots and stuff like that? It's really unnecessary to know this stuff, unless you're going to be a scientist or a doctor. But our math professor, Mrs. Lawinski, didn't seem to think so. She was always making us come over to the blackboard, solving a complicated math problem in front of the whole class, making us look bad.

If you asked her a question about the problem, she always snorted and said: »You should remember this from middle school.« And if you didn't solve the problem right, she would always yell: »This is cheap shit!« And took the chalk out of your hands, writing on the blackboard, explaining how stupid you were for not understanding this.

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