Niall Imagine *Amina*

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LOLOLOLOALALALALALALALAHBSGJBASLKJFHALFK BOLD MOFO! ANywho Last imagine requested! i LIKE MUFFINS my caps was on for awhile geez. 

Niall Horan is beautiful eyes. Smile. face. its all quite DELICIOUS! and by delicous i mean s.e.x.u.a.l. Sorry yes okay. You were back stage at one of their concerts well before their concert. Niall was getting ready sitting in a chair talking to your cousin. YES YOUR COUSIN WORKS FOR ONE DIRECTION AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yes H's are nessacary. You had your sketch pad out and decided to draw Niall. You were absorbed you didnt realize he got up. You felt breathing on your neck and looked up. An Irish accent took you out of your gaze. "Thats a mighty beautiful drawing their."

"Umm.. Thanks!" You answer and he sits on the couch that you were sitting on. " BOYS TIME TO GO!" Some random person yells and Niall leaves but not before he kisses your cheek. Strange.

You went to the front row wear your tickets wear placed at and the boys came one. Once the show was over Niall had an anouncement. "I have found a girl i really like I saw her before the show! She was drawing a picture of me. I happen to have it with me! He pulled out your drawing. Amina! Will you go out with me?" He looked directly at you! You nod and mouth yes! OMGEE YOU ARE GONNA GO OUT WITH NIALL HORAN HOLY BUCKETS OF HAYBALLS! OMGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Calm it down... calm it odwn.. its only NIALL FREAKING HORAN! You go backstage after the show. And Niall comes up to you. Thanks beautiful. and kisses you on the cheek again.

yeah i know its short BUT ITS SWEET okai. so if you need anything changed tell me please! Hope you enjoyed it LOVE YOU ALL!

Marold, Mitchell Lee, Mare_Bear

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