Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8 (last chapter)

I walked out of the hospital with tears streaming down my face. I didn’t even bother to put my head down so no one would notice me crying, I didn’t care. I looked at the beautiful night sky filled with a few stars visible and a big bright moon. It looked so magical, why couldn’t it lend some magic to me? To Niall?

Walking on, I found a big tree by the hospital. I climbed it. It’s what I do, to calm myself down, to think. Why’s this happening? Why me, why Niall, why his parents? Why am I struggling to hold on to my sanity and not slap his parents again? Why did Niall have to get hurt? Why don’t his parents care? If they hadn’t tried to separate us, this probably wouldn’t have happened anyway… Niall wouldn’t have left me to go get ice cream so I could think… We would’ve gone together if it was just an ordinary day back for him. I hate how they did this, how they were the ones that created their sons burden, and how they don’t even care. How all of them are just sitting there, stone faces, not caring, not doing anything, just sitting there.

Suddenly getting really cold, inside and out, I climbed back down the tree, and walked back into the hospital, ignoring his parents. I can’t be bothered with them anymore, if they’re going to be like that, fine, but I’m focusing on Niall now.

I went to the nurse which was quickly coming out of his room.

“How is he? What’s his status?” I asked her, my voice full of worry.

“Getting better, we’re still not sure if he’s going to survive this… But the percentage is higher than it was from before. He has chances,” She replied, her eyes full of concern. “I must go now, and help the doctors,” she left, with a quick wave.

Pacing back and forth, I prayed for him. Getting tired of pacing, I went outside again. I sat down at one of the benches facing the hospital. It started raining.

I looked down at the ground, watching the rain splatter everywhere. It was so quiet, I could hear the raindrops. I studied the ground for a while, letting out a loose gasp when I saw a little tiny plant sprout out of concrete. Seeing that spread some type of soothing sensation over me… Kind of like when I was watching the sky… It was the magical sensation.  I felt hope spread through me. Niall was going to make this through, he was going to make it through and live. He had to. And his parents wouldn’t stop us from being best friends, from being family, because that was who we are, we were like the plant that struggled through the concrete, with a bit of help from the rain, we could make it. I know we would.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2013 ⏰

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