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Shadepool's POV

It had been two sunrises since my littermates and I had become warriors. I was looking forward to the gathering in a few sunrises.would be my first gathering as a warrior.

The clan was near starving, and the prey we had was small and thin. The dawn patrol had left a few hours ago. We had to cut down on border patrols, for hunting patrols. Blazestorm was with them. Snowpetal was assisting the apprentices with cleaning out the elders den. She was probably the only cat who was willing to do that. Ever. Amberheart, however, enjoyed the company. She was the oldest cat in the Clans. The other warriors teased Snowpetal about it sometimes, but she didn't mind. That was one of the things I loved about her, she always did the right thing no matter what it cost her. I was so occupied with my thoughts, that I hardly noticed the warrior sprinting through the tunnel.

Nightfoot bursted out of the tunnel, gasping. Windstar came running out of her den. The whole camp's attention was fixed on the warrior. "ShadowClan, they ambushed us near the Sky Oak." Windstar leaped to her paws, from the Highledge and started calling out orders. "Darkclaw and Lightfur, stay here and guard the camp." The couple nodded. "The rest if you, come with me. Juniperpetal, we will probably use you as well," Windstar ordered. The ThunderClan leader nodded in my direction. We would have to forget about our differences to get out of this fight.

We raced through the forest, following the shrieks.

We burst into a clearing, cats were clawing each other everywhere. I leaped into the fray. I was facing a gray and white tom, I remembered from past gathering that he was Webtail. His claws reached for my throat. Dodging, I then raked my claws across his face. Wiping blood out of his eye, he lunged for me again. Yowling, I thrust him off me, and he went flying into a log. I then gave him a strong bite to the shoulder. He bit my ear and pushed me over.  Webtail's  claws were at my troat. He's going to kill me, I realized. The pressure was lifted off me. I looked up to see a pair of yellow eyes looking down on me. "Are you okay," Snakesong asked concerned. "Um, yeah," I stuttered, my heart pumping. "I should go back to the battle," he hesitated. My stomach fluttered anxiously. He sprinted away.

I went off to find Snowpetal or Briarfur. My ears were still ringing, probably from the fight with Webtail. Snowpetal was fighting a ginger she cat. I realized how thin the ShadowClan cats looked. They were also fighting without hesitation, as if they had nothing to lose.

I assisted Snowpetal with driving the she cat off. We were instantly attacked by another pair of cats. I battered the wiry tom with my hind paws. I slashed my claws down his shoulder. I felt a savage pleasure at the feeling of my enemies flesh beneath my claws. Howling, they dug their fangs in the back of my neck. I flung him off me. Snowpetal had already defeated the other warrior. We fought side by side, matching each other's blows. However, ThunderClan still was far from victory. We were more fit, but they had desperation on their side. We jumped at the sound of an earsplitting shriek. The ShadowClan deputy, Redheart had Windstar pinned. "Hey," I shouted. I attacked the ginger tom. He was easily twice my size. He lunged at me, snarling. I moved to the side, and stuck out a paw to trip him. Redheart staggered slightly, and I took my chance. I swatted at him with my claws unsheathed. "Move aside, you puny apprentice," he growled. For some reason this comment drove me over the edge. Brimming with fury, I leaped, aiming for his throat. His amber eyes widened in shock as I bowled him over. He twisted out of my grasp and streaked away. Gasping for breath, I glanced over at Windstar. The gray  and white she cat laid unmoving. I ran over panic filling my thoughts. Oh, please be okay.

Her breath was shallow. Windstar's green eyes were glazed over. A crimson pool was gathered on the leaves beneath her pelt. StarClan, no. I ran through the fighting cats, searching for a pink-gray pelt. "Juniperpetal," I cried, pushing past feuding  cats. "It's Windstar." The medicine cat's eyes widened. We ran back to where Windstar laid.

Warrior Cats: Fate of the Clans-Shattered BordersWhere stories live. Discover now