Chapter 4

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***Catholine's POV***

I woke up to the sound of a door closing. I didn't actually realise I fell alseep. I sat up on my bed and looked at my clock, 21:00, I guess I couldn't have been sleeping for that long then. I got up and looked in the mirror. Damn I looked like a tramp. I quickly flattened my hair and got a make up wipe to get rid of the odd bits of mascara on my face. Well, at least I looked slightly decent. I slid into my slippers and ran downstairs. I guess the door closing was my Dad coming in, because his briefcase was stood in the hall way. I walked into the living room, Dad was sat on the sofa watching the news, he never watched the news really, but I guess on Thursday nights there's never anything on. Dad looked up at me and smiled, "How was your day, baby girl?" I looked at him, my eyes were drawn to his black eye. I'm guessing Mom did that before I came down, and then left for the pub. I can't believe she hasn't been sacked yet, I mean, come on! She's a junior school teacher! How could they keep and emotionally unstable woman like that working around children? I sighed, knowing that after what I had to say, we would both be in tears. "Dad, I need to talk to you," I said, trying not to make eye contact with him, because I know that if I do, I'll start crying, and I've got to be strong, at least while I'm telling him. "What is it darl'?" I felt a lump in my throught, but I held back the tears. "Dad, I think you better sit down." I started to explain everything.

I didn't want to see Dad's face. It broke my heart, seeing him in pieces. I just sat there, not knowing what to say. I dared myself to look at him. He looked emotionless, which was even worse. He got up from the sofa and said quietly, "I'm going to bed now Catholine, good night," He left the living room and I could hear his footsteps on the stairs. I hate it when he calls me Catholine. He always calls me Cat! This is how I know he's upset, as is all of our family, but it's hit Dad worst. I got up from the couch I was sat on, and silently walked up to my room, got my pyjamas on, and went to bed.

***George's POV***

I know Daniel's dead, but hearing this news just brings back the memories, the good, but also the bad. I went into the guest bedroom, this is where I've been sleeping since Daniel died. Sue won't allow me to sleep in our bedroom anymore. In fact, the only reason I'm still living here is because it's my right as the official home owner, but I don't even know why I still live here, I guess it's because I can't leave Cat alone to deal with her drunken mother. Susan is never abusive to Cat, but I worry that if I leave she'll start on her, and I can't let that happen to my girl. I opened the dresser and got out a towel. I walked out of my bedroom and into the bathroom. I placed my folded up towel on the toilet seat and got undressed and into the shower. I put the temperature on a low setting, to suit my mood. I had almost unbarable pains in my whole body, but I couldn't let it get me down, I deserve this, it's my fault that my son walked off by himself in the middle of the night last year, now I have to pay the consequences. I let the water wash away my newly shed tears, I let it wash away my sorrows. Wishing it were that easy, that all my problems could just slip away, down the drain.

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