Chapter 'Leven: Jack And Mckenna, Sitting in a Tree

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<Jack's POV>

That was close.

She almost saw what I'm making for her. With North's help of course.

I looked at what was almost finished, "We just need to add one more thing." I paced, thinking of what I could use. Soon I got an idea.

"I've got it! I'll be right back, North!" I shouted as I opened a window and flew out, staff at hand. This was going to be amazing.


I landed next to the lake, looking at the cool water. I seriously wonder why water isn't warmer in the summer.



I searched frantically for it, the thing that would complete the gift for Mckenna. I was so exited to give it to her, and say what I've never gotten to say.

Yes, I love Mckenna Heatwave.

Ever since we met, I've just thought she was fascinating. I just didn't know a way to show it!

But now that I do, let's find out what she thinks of me.

I find it, the little piece of ice I was looking for. I found it one day after I was done freezing a pond, I thought it must have chipped off or something. It was shaped like a little heart, and I kept it in a place where it wouldn't melt in extreme temperatures.

I treasured it, I never really knew why I was so attached. Now I do.

I fly back to the Workshop, and quickly run through the doors. A couple yetis get a little angry, but I didn't care.

I got to North's office, panting. I had slipped the little ice chip in my sweater sleeve before I left Burgess, so I dug it out.

"Here it is North." I put it in his enormous hands, being extra careful.

"Wow. Did you make this yourself?"

"It chipped off a lake."

He didn't answer, clearly wondering how. I did too.

North clawed through a drawer until he found what he needed. A small, heat-proof chamber like thing. It was very tiny, it could fit on a charm bracelet. The perfect size.

He slipped the ice chip into the charm, carefully attaching it to the gift afterwards. "Is done!" he cheered.

"I'm gonna go find her and give it to her." I planned, hoping she would really like it.

"Should I gather other Guardians?"

"I don't care."

I walked off, nervous but ready.


I searched for about an hour, and the Guardians were searching too. We couldn't find her. A while ago she was in the Workshop, and now she's gone.

Suddenly, I paused. I flew to the Globe Room, calling for everyone to meet me there.

"What Jack? Did you find her?" Tooth asked.

"Nope, but I think I know where she might be."

"Is it somewhere in the workshop?"

"No. But I can go get her."

"Nah. Let me handle this, mate. I'll get her, you stay here and wait."

"Kangaroo. I know what your gonna do. You'll spoil it!"

"Fine, fine."

"I'll be right back!"

And with that, I was off.

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