my vampire teacher

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Chapter 17

Mr.Shawn's POV

The morning was pure bliss. Being with Katie was pure bliss. After I left her house I drove to mine about three neighborhoods over from hers. That's why when I heard the ambulance and my head started to pound  that I knew something was horribly wrong. I ran to my car and drove to Katie's house. I got there just in time to see the ambulance pulling away and speeding down her street with her family's car close behind.

I park my car on the curb and get out. It would be faster if I ran so I didn't have to stop for traffic. I run as fast as I can to the hospital. I couldn't stop thinking about Katie and who did this to her. If I ever found them I would rip them to shreads. The pounding in my head grew intense. It meant Katie's condition is getting worse. I ran faster and desperately.

At the hospital I saw the ambulance pulling up to the huge square building.  I run into the hospital just as the medical people roll Katie into emergency care. I disguised myself as a doctor and followed them in. I knew everything about being a doctor so if they ask me to do anything I could do it.

As we were walking I looked down at Katie's sweet face. She was barely conscious. Her eyelids were drooping and skin was pale. She was sweating. I couldn't bare to see her like that so I left her side. When I step out side I sense a dark aura. I looked around but saw no one. But then again demons don't usually show when humans were around.

I walked to the side of the building where no one could see me. Then I say,"Come out wherever you are you disgusting peice of shit."

A girl walks around the side of the building. She had strawberry blonde hair and violet eyes.

The eyes of a demon.

It was probably a possesive demon. I knew exactly which one too.

"I should've known they would send you Taura. You are the dirtiest of all demons," I spat out at the girl. No,she wasn't a girl. It was a disgustion creature merely in a girl's body.

She pouted at me feigning innocence. "Oh is that all you can say? Thank you anyway. But I do recall that the life of your princess is in my hands"

"What did you do to her?" I say clenching my fists. The pounding had died down some so I know Katie's condition was getting better.

The demon tilts its head to the side as if studying me. Then it says,"Wouldn't you like to know?" That was it.

I run to the demon and clutch her throat in my hands fully intending to kill it when she says," Go ahead and kill me. They'll send more and eventually I'll be back to claim my revenge. On you and your little human toy."

I drop her and she falls to the ground. I kick her once and walk away to the sound of her howling in pain. She didn't know I had a knife in my shoe. Silver. Good enough to wound a demon but not strong enough to kill it.

The pounding in my head disappears completely. I look through the window and see a doctor talking to Katie's older brother Greg. He nods and walks to the kids sitting in the waiting room. I noticed they looked exactly like Katie. They were her brothers and sisters. Her parents were nowhere to be found.

Greg says something to the kids and they all start dancing and smiling. I sigh with relief. Judging from their reactions Katie was going to be just fine.

For now.

I walk away to get my car. I would check on her later when her family leaves. She wasn't out of danger yet and neither was I.

Demons suck. well the bad ones anyways. COMMENT AND VOTE

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