Heart Broken then Healed

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Mom & Dad: “Where have you been?!” they asked in unison

Me: “Out.”

Mom: “Out where?!”

Me: “Just. Out.”

Dad: “You better tell us this instant young lady.”

Me: “I was on a date!”

My mom broke out into a smile, but my dad on the other hand looked beyond furious.

Dad: “You missed dinner with your family for some boy?!”

Me: “Well when you put it that way it sounds bad.”

Dad was about to say something when mom interrupted him.

Mom: “It’s okay sweetie dinner wasn’t that good anyway. Did you have a nice time?”

Me: “Yeah mom it was great.Ummm...I'm gonna go to bed, I got school in the morning."

Mom: "Okay. Night honey."

My dad was still mad. I ran up the stairs and into my room. I went to my dresser and grabbed a tank top and shorts. I stripped my clothes and put on my pajamas. I walked over to my bed, pulled the blanket back and layed down. I started thinking about my day with Jack. I thought about how he kissed me and how much passion was in it. I fell asleep thinking about him.

                                                                                         § Next Morning §

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. My arm flailed around until it hit the clock. I sighed when it was finally quiet. Then I groaned because I had to get up. I got up and went to my closet. I grabbed a dark purple long sleeve shirt and my favorite skinny jeans. They were black and had gold gemstones on the butt and all of the pockets. I grabbed the outfit and went to my dresser to grab some booty shorts and a clean bra. Then I headed to the bathroom. I opened the door and walked in. I closed the door behind me and locked it. I went over to the shower and turned it on until it was the right temperature. I took off all of my clothes and got in. I let the water soothe all of my muscles for a while. Then I grabbed the soap and rubbed it all over my body, I grabbed a rag and washed myself. I then let the water wash off all the soap. I grabbed the shampoo and poured some on my hand and then lathered some on my hair. I scrubbed my scalp to get all the out all the dirt from the river. After that I grabbed the conditioner and rubbed it on my head. I washed in out of my hair and got out.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my nude form. I dried off and wrapped the towel around my hair. I grabbed my shorts and slipped them on. Afterward I grabbed my bra and buckled it. I grabbed my shirt and slipped it over my head, then I grabbed hold of my pants and put one leg through each pant hole. I pulled them up over my thighs and to my waist. I buckled them and zipped them up. I grabbed my clothes off the floor and went to my room. I walked over to my clothes hamper and put my dirty clothes in it. I went to my bed and sat down. I reached over to grabbed my cell phone to see what time it was. It was 7:12, I had 18 minutes to brush my teeth, hair and eat breakfast.

I jumped off of my bed and went to my vanity. I picked up my spray bottle to wet my hair more so I could scrunch it. I wet my hair and put down the spray bottle to grab my gel. I put some in my hand and rubbed it on  my hair. I bent my head down to put some on the back of my hair. I stood up straight and shook my hair out. I ran my fingers through my hair so they wouldn't stick together. I wiped my hands on a towel and went to my dresser to grab some socks. I put them on and then walked over to my closet to grab a pair of shoes. I decided to where my black converse. I slipped them on and grabbed my backpack and cell phone. I opened my door and ran down stairs. I went into the kitchen and walked over to a cabinet. I grabbed a granola bar and ran out the door. I got to the bus stop just as it was about to pull away. I got on the bus and it was already full so I had to sit with someone I didn't know. I chose a seat in the back that only had one person sitting there. I sat next to this kid named David, we had been in school together since kindergarten and I got to admit I had a crush on him a couple of years ago, but I'm over it now. I sat down and looked up at him he was staring at me like I was crazy. I looked down at my hands. I felt his eyes boring into me. I looked up to see him staring at me again.

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