He Reigns on the Mountain - Chapter 16

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Psalms 100 - Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Chapter 16

The next few days was a bustle of activity. While helping to pack up the house on Monday while Jess was at work, Aunt Dumpy spoke softly to Jamie, “Babe, I know that you and Jess wanted to settle in here, and I am sorry we bombarded you with this right when you get back from your honeymoon.” She took a deep breath, “I am sorry we imposed on your plans, and. . .”

Jamie held up his hand to stop his aunt. “Aunt Dumpy, we talked about it last night after you left and this is what we would have wanted to do anyway. It is nice and cozy in the cabin and with only a loft for a bedroom, there is no way Beth and Tommy could be comfortable. But,” he sighed, “But, this is a special place for not only me, but Jess. And we are happy here. Besides, we are newlyweds. . .” he said with a grin. Aunt Dumpy understood exactly what he was trying to say. They did not mind being too close, and she grinned too.

“But,” she said, “I am sorry that we assumed you would do this. We had just been dealing with it all week and thought about it and thought it was the best thing, but we should have let you come to the same decision we did on your own. Besides, it is you and Jess being put upon, not anyone else. And I am sorry.”

Jamie came around the table where they were packing boxes and wrapped his big arms around his aunt and hugged her. “No need to apologize. You were doing what you thought was best. And I love you!”

“Well, I love you too.”

Wednesday afternoon, Jamie had finished moving everything into the cabin and decided to treat Jess to a surprise. She had been working hard that week and would be coming home late after Children’s Choir practice. When she arrived home after six, he was ready with his plans. He had Bear, their all terrain vehicle, loaded with a blanket and a picnic basket.

Jess walked in exhausted and sat down on the sofa. “Tired?” Jamie asked as he picked up her feet, slipped her shoes off and began rubbing them. He never understood why anyone would wear heals, especially all day long when you are on your feet. Jess just nodded. “Well, do you think you could change and take a ride up the mountain with me?” Jess opened her eyes with a twinkle.  

“I think I can do that.” Jess said with a smile.

Thirty minutes later, Jamie was pulling to a stop just outside of the meadow. He took off his helmet and took Jess’ when she handed it to him and put it on the seat. Unstrapping the food and blankets, he carried them in one hand while he offered his other arm to Jess. She tucked one hand in the crook of his arm and wrapped her other hand around holding on to his arm. The last time they had been here was their wedding and they had left at twilight. Now returning, as twilight was becoming night.

Jess leaned into Jamie, “I love this place. I think it is my favorite place in the world.”

“Babe, I know this sounds corny, but wherever you are. . . that is my favorite place in the world.”

“Darlin’ you already have me where you want me, “ Jess said as she batted her eyelashes up to Jamie. “You really don’t have to try THAT hard!” Then she giggled, which made Jamie laugh too.

They decided to spread the blanket n the grassy meadow rather than on the gazebo that now symbolized their love. Jamie guided Jess to her place on the blanket and sat down the basket of food he had brought and then settled down next to her. Laying on his side with his elbow supporting his large upper body, Jamie looked up at Jess as she unpacked their dinner consisting of sandwiches, Aunt Louise’s potato salad, fresh strawberries and sweet tea.

“When did you plan all of this?” Jess asked as she laid the food out on the blanket.

“This afternoon. I was thinking of you and thought that we have not been up here since the wedding and how I wanted to do something special since we decided to stay in the cabin and let Beth and Tommy move in, which by the way, they are moving in tomorrow. And I just wanted to come up here with my wife.”

Jess thought that was so sweet and special. She knew Jamie had a romantic streak, and she loved having him show her how he felt about her. It made her feel special. She leaned over and gave him a kiss, one that would show him how grateful she was. She loved him and she was learning how to show it, and show him he meant everything to her.

After a few minutes, she finally pulled away. “I am starving,” she said sitting back on her knees and opening the sandwiches.

“Me too. But, not for food.” Jamie said with a twinkle in his eye that showed her everything he wanted.

With a full moon glowing, they made love under the stars in the meadow.

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