Why Me?

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I was happy once, ya know. I used to be just like every normal 15 year old, small town girl. But then the wreck happened. My brothers, my baby sisters, my dad, all of them gone, but somehow I survived. I survived a head on crash with another car, but everyone, Gabe, James, Dixie, Jaylee, Dad, none of them survived.

Why me? They were better than me at everything. All I can do is sing and write, not that anyone would ever want to hear anything I do. Gabe, he was the star of the football team. James, he was the best player on the varsity baseball team. The twins, Dixie and Jaylee, they were only in sixth grade and man could they draw! And, Daddy, oh, Daddy, he was the best dad any one could ask for. He was at every football game, baseball game, art competition, he was even there at all my talent shows and I always placed second or third.

How is it I survived, when they were so much more worthy of living. I know I'm nothing special, I'm just a fifteen year old girl with wavy, brown hair and hazel eyes. I'm not fat, but I'm not stick thin like all the girls on the cheerleading teams at school.

Now it's just me, Mama, and the baby on the way. Mama is sick all the time and the stress of the funerals isn't helping. I don't know what to do any more. Without Daddy, Mama will have to get a job so we can pay bills and I will too. Why couldn't it just have been me? I'm not special in anyway, why did God let me stay, but take everyone that is better in my family away?

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