Chapter 48

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Eleanor's POV =)

Today was the day of Jay's Christmas party. Louis was up when I woke up, which is a change for once. I went and slipped on my maroon jeans with gold zips, a white crop top and a green olive shirt, which I tucked into my jeans. I put on my gold bow necklace and left my hair down, curling it slightly. I slipped on my black combat boots and went out to find Louis making breakfast. He hasn't noticed me so I crept up behind him and said "What's for breakfast Lou?" He jumped and said "Don't do that Eleanor!''. I grinned and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Well, it's Cinnamon Risotto"(omg best stuff ever!) "Yum!" I said grinning. I sat next to him on the counter and he said "You look gorgeous today El". I blushed and said "Thanks Lou, you look goooood too".  He grinned and said "Can you please make us some tea?". I nodded and grabbed the tea bags and mugs, making the tea. Once we had finished we sat on the couch, watching "Friends". I texted Alex for a bit, she was going back to Australia for Christmas with her family tomorrow. After the party. We hung around the flat for a while until 12, when it was time to go. We jumped into Louis's car and drove off, turning the radio up loud. "Wings" was playing. We stopped at Starbucks on the way, I got a caramel frappe. It is a good 2 hour drive from London to Doncaster, so we get pretty bored in the car. We put in the Ed Sheeran CD to listen to and finally we were there. "Hey Lou, are the other boys coming?" I asked. "Yeah and their girlfriends" he said. Out of the girls, not including Morgan I'm probably closest to, Kelsey. Mainly because I've known her the longest but her personality is amazing. The other girls are wonderful too though. We walked in and I spotted Alex and I walked over to her. She looks even more pale, must be a trick of the light. "Hey Alex" I said grinning. She turned around grinning and said "Hey El!''. I gave her a hug and we had a quick chat until I spotted Jay. "I'll talk to you later, ok" I said. She nodded and went over to talk to Louis who was with Stan. "Hello Jay" I said. "Hello Eleanor, are you having a good time?" she asked. "Yeah, I am" I said with a grin. "Oh that's good" she said. We had a quick chat until she saw some good friends of her arriving. I went and found Louis and said "Lou, can you please sign the picture of you and the boys". He nodded and he handed me the keys to his car and I went and got the picture and pen. I walked back inside and bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I said. I looked up and saw Niall. "It's ok Eleanor" he said. I gave him a grin and asked "Can you please help me find the other boys?". He nodded and we went off to look for them. We found Zayn with Perrie, Liam was with Harry and Louis was over in the corner with Stan. I got them to sign the picture. "Thanks' much guys" I said. "Who's it for?" Liam asked. "My cousin Emily, she is a huge fan of you" I said. "Oh cool" Harry said. I thanked them again and then they went off to chat and do whatever they do. I found Morgan with Lauren who were eating. "Oooo food" I said. They laughed and Morgan said "Eleanor, we have been looking for you for ever!". "Well I've been with the boys for a bit and I had a chat to Jay and Alex and then here we are" I said. "Oh goody, well you're here to stay now" Kelsey said with a slight grin on her face. We joked around for a while just chatting when I felt a tug on my leg. I turned around and saw that Phoebe was pulling on my jeans. "Hello Phoebe" I said. Her two front teeth were missing and she had her hair into a braid. She looked very cute. "Hey El, look I lost my two front teeth!" she exclaimed. "Did the tooth fairy come?" I asked. She nodded and said "She gave me 5 pounds!( I have no idea if that is a lot or what not, so I'm sorry :/) "Wow, you lucky girl!" I said. She took my hand and introduced me to one of her friends, Ebony. Ebony had dirty blonde hair that was curly and dark blue eyes. She gave me a small wave when I spotted Lottie with some boy. I walked over to where they were sitting. "Hey Lottie" I said. She jumped up and gave me a hug. "You look gorgeous El, as usual!" she said. "Well Lottie you look beautiful and is this your boyfriend?" I asked whispering the last part. She nodded and said "Martin, this is Eleanor Louis's girlfriend and El, this is Martin my boyfriend". "Hello Eleanor, nice to meet you "he said. "Nice to meet you too Martin" I said. They way Martin looks at Lottie, it's really beautiful. I had a quick chat to them when Kelsey came and grabbed my hand. "What?" I asked her. "You didn't come back!" she exclaimed. I laughed and she led me over to where, Morgan, Perrie and Lauren were. We all stood around chatting for a while, taking lots of photos and uploading them to Instagram. I looked at the comments on the photo of us 5 and, there was a lot of hate.



Don't deserve the boys

You're running Larry

But there was one comment that stood out to me the most.

@alyssaloves1D34- Leave them alone, do you know them! No, they aren't sluts or whores. They do deserve the boys and Larry is a bromance not a romance. You girls look so beautiful, like always.

I smiled and replied to her- Thank you love :) xx

Louis's POV =)

I was talking with a good friend of mine, Tom when someone taped me on the shoulder. I turned around expecting to be Eleanor but it wasn't. Her blonde hair curled and her blue eyes. It was my ex-girlfriend, Hannah Walker. "Oh hello Hannah" I said. "Hey Louis, how are you going?" she asked. "Good and you?" I asked. Now Hannah and are good friends, but she was a little bit close for my comfort. "I'm wonderful and you?" I asked. "Great Louis, are you still dating that Eleanor girl?" she asked. "Yeah, I am "I said through gritted teeth. "Oh, that's nice" she mumbled. Hannah wanted something and I had no idea what. "What do you want Hannah?" I asked. She looked me in the eye but she didn't say anything. Instead, she kissed me. Right on the lips. I tried to pull away but she grab my wrists and right at that moment Eleanor turned around and saw me. Her perfect hazel eyes filled with tears and then she ran out of the house. Away from everything. I got myself free and saw Hannah's smirk. "Thanks' Hannah" I said glaring at her. "No problem Louis, anything to get rid of that whore for you". It took every fibre in my body, to not punch her. I ran out of the house, pushing past everyone and outside into the cold air. I ran looking for Eleanor and then found her sitting on the bench at the park near my house, crying her knees up to her chest. I ran up to her and sat down next to her. "Go away Louis" she said in between sniffs. "Let me explain Eleanor" I said. "No, you kissed her that's all need to know and you love her and not me" Eleanor said. "Listen to me Eleanor Calder, I didn't kiss her she kissed me, she grabbed my wrists as I tried to pull away, please Eleanor if I loved her why would I have made that speech to you or haven't broken up with you by now, please Eleanor I still love you" I said tears stinging my eyes. Eleanor looked at me. Her eyes red and puffy. "Ok fine, I believe you" she said. I pulled her in for a kiss and she kissed back. Her lips tasted like tears but they were still soft and loving. She placed her hands around my neck and I ran my hands through her hair. We stayed like this for a good minute but when we broke apart, you could still see the hurt in her eyes. "Louis, you can't just fix everything with a kiss" she said looking away. "I know Eleanor and I will do everything in my power to fix everything" I said.

 Helllo, ooo drama. Not really, not really :/

I'm home alone and hungry and we have no good food :(


Eleanor's outfit :) 

Not much else to say, but thanks for reading, keep reading and love you all!

Lots of love,

~Alex xxx

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