-A Thought- Chapter Three~

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                          -A Thought- Chapter Three~

||Deidara P.O.V||

I watched people on the room, they all talking, about what Pain-sama say, but who’s this person? And if it was finding our hideout than why ninjas from his/her village didn’t attack us?. Something is worried, but I don’t know what, I need to find it out.

“Deidara!” A voice comes behind me. I turned my head, looking at the person, it was Pain.

“Yea, un?” I said.

“You’ll find this person and finish it, please be fast and don’t let anyone knew that she was killed, make it appear like a suicide. Okay?”

“But how’s this person? And if this person really find our hideout, since today why the ninjas from this person village didn’t attack us?.”

“Deidara, why are you so interesting about this person? And about what did?” 

“Because, I don’t know. I’m sorry, un. I’ll do exactly what you tell me.”

“Glad to hear that, now let’s go..”Tobi says jumping. 

“Why are you jumping?” I asked looking at him with a vague expression on my face.

“Why the fuck are you jumping like a stupid?”Hidan asking furious.

“Tobi will be with you in team..”Pain says wanted to leave the room.

“What? But, un, I’m with Sasori no Dana in team, he’s my teammate, why to change him with this clown?. “I said looking furious to the clown.

“I’m not a clown…”Tobi says.

“Okay, finish with this, everyone. Deidara you’ll go with Sasori in the mission, Tobi I have another one for you.”

“Arigatou, un. !”I said smiling to Sasori, that was waiting me.

“So Deidara you know here can we find this girl?”

“Pain says that she’s around here, so she cannot leave so fast. Maybe she contacts her Hokage from her village, but we’ll kill her fast and show like she suicide. Okay?”

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