Chris Montionless Love Story Chapter 3

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Belladonna's POV

My alarm on my phone went off which meant it was 6:45. I woke up with a massive headache. I didn't even want to move. I grabbed my phone to turn off the beeping and saw the date. October 16. I had today to finish the last minute touches on Chris's party. It was a good thing I only had to work a half day today. Slowly I showered, dressed in work clothes,put on makeup, and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my backpack and stuffed some clothes for after work in. Balz text me telling me he was on his way. I went to the kitchen got a poptart and pretty much inhaled it. I ran outside as Balz pulled up and I jumped in the car.

"Goodmorning sweetie!" He said with a smile.

"Morning babe!" I said and hugged him. We always called eachother things like that. He hated when other girls called him cute names. I was the exception. He thought of me as his sister nothing more except when we got bored but that was a different story.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Alright I woke up with a killer headache though."

"That still happens to you?"

"Yes Balz. No Balz I'm not going to the hospital. I'm fine."

"You know me too well... it's scary."

"Ha! Anyway start driving I don't wanna be late boy!"

"Yes ma'am!" He said saluting me.

We talked about Chris's party. Balz volunteered to pick me up after work and help me get what we needed. Then we stopped at Starbucks and Balz paid. He was so sweet. We waited for our drinks and I finally brought up last night.

"So what did Chris say when you talked to him?"

Balz said nothing.

"You did talk to him right?"

"Yeah I did. I did. I just don't know what I should tell you."

"Oh... does he at least like me? He didn't kiss me for nothing right?"

"Yes he likes you. A lot. Don't be stupid."

I squealed.

"Don't fucking do that! I hate that!" Balz said covering his ears.

"Sorry love." The lady called out our names we got our drinks and left.

"Okay back on the Chris subject." Balz stated starting the car. "He likes you but he doesn't wanna tell you because he thinks you'll get bored of him since he'll be on tour. I said we should take you with us but that's up to you. Don't tell him I told you that part. The only thing I was supposed to say was maybe you'd consider moving in with us."

"Whoa... uh well I'd actually love to move in with you guys. I'm pretty sure Cody's gonna kick me out any day now the way I've been pushing him. As for tour... I have this fucking job... I could always quit. The only reason I have it is to get away from Cody since I finished high school."

"Just think about it." He said pulling up to the mall. "I'll walk you in."

"Thanks" I said smiling.

"No problem."

I got my purse out of my backpack and left my backpack in the car. Balz opened the door for me and I got out. I thanked him and we started waking towards the entrance. We got close to Macy's where I worked and Balz pushed me against the wall.

"Stay right here I'll be back for you." He ordered.

I shook my head and he left. I heard hushed arguing. I peaked around the corner to see my ex boyfriend, Matt. Great. Balz looked pissed. Matt had been really sweet until he realized who my friends were. He didn't like that I was constantly around guys. Matt got possessive and now he says he's sorry. I don't believe it and neither do any of the guys. I leaned against the wall and Matt walked right past me luckily he didn't see me. I turned the corner Balz was waiting for me.

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