Through The Flames

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Through The Flames

    Julia Smith ran along the smoke filled school corridor.  She had been in the bathroom when the fire alarm went off.  She ignored it, as it was usually a false alarm, and it was only when she stepped out of the toilet that she realised that she was in real trouble.

    She had tried all the classrooms looking for help, but everybody had evacuated the building.  Julia looked out of the window and saw that everyone had gathered in the school grounds.  She couldn't believe that everyone would be so selfish that they would escape without her.  Even her friends, the cowards.  The window began to crack and Julia stepped back.  If the window shattered just now, it would be pretty dangerous if she was standing too close to it.  The fire was spreading quickly, and Julia had so far found no safe way to exit the burning school.  

    Julia whimpered, suddenly realising that she could die in her own school.  A place that she had never enjoyed going to, but had always felt safe in.

    She quickly ran down one of the stairwells, down onto the ground floor.  Then it hit her.  She could escape through the fire exit in the canteen.  It was never used except in emergencies, and Julia had almost completely forgotten about it.  It was only when she was running along the ground corridor that she heard a loud scream.  She swung round and tried to locate the source of the scream.  It was not a pupil, she was certain of that.  It must have been a teacher.  

    A woman teacher.

    She heard the woman scream again.  It was in one of the classes closest to her.  She Julia ran into the nearest classroom and there she was.  Miss Hertford.  The bitchiest teacher in school.  She was lying on the ground with a large gash in her head from a piece of falling ceiling and her large desk had fallen onto her legs, pinning them to the ground. The walls of the classroom had caught fire and was edging slowly closer to the trapped teacher.  

    Julia hated her.  She was always picking her out as the guilty one when someone talked in class.  She always gave her punishment exercises for the most insignificant reasons.  And she had dismissed Julia's dream of being an writer.

    'A writer?' Miss Hertford had snorted.  'You can't write for peanuts.'  

    'But miss,' Julia had said.  'Anyone can write.  If they put their minds to it.'  

    'Yeah, but not you.  Not someone who fails all her tests and talks in class.  Not a loser like you.'

   That was it.  Julia wasn't taking any more of this shit.

    As Julia was walking back to her seat, she muttered something so foul and offensive, that everyone gasped.  She was immediately punished and suspended for three days.

    Why should Julia help an old bitch like her?  

    There was a loud crash as a piece of plaster collapsed in one of the nearby rooms.  Julia had to make her mind up quickly.  Leave her to die and live with the guilt for the rest of her life.  Or help her.

    'Julia, please.  Help me.'  Miss Hertford croaked.  'Please...'

    The flames were getting closer now and a large blister had formed on the teacher's right arm.  Julia ran into the classroom and lifted up the desk.  It was extremely heavy.  Julia strained and strained until finally she managed to lift it just enough for Miss Hertford to crawl out from beneath.  They both jumped for cover as the windows exploded and pieces of glass were scattered all over the classroom.  The walls and ceiling began to creak.  They had to get out as soon as possible.  Although, it wouldn't be easy with Miss Hertford's injured legs.

    'Come on, Miss.' Julia said.  She put her arm around Miss Hertford's shoulder and helped her to walk.  'We need to get out of here.  Quick.'  

    'Of course, Julia.' The teacher said.  'Thank you very much.'  

    She swung round and grabbed Julia by the shoulders.  Julia cried out in shock and terror.  Miss Hertford pushed her with amazing strength, right into the centre of the flames.  Julia screamed and tried to get out of the fire.  This was not easy, as she was in agony and she collapsed into a heap.  There was a sizzling sound as her skin began to fry.

    Miss Angela Hertford struggled out of her burning classroom.  She tried to ignore the unbelievable pain in her legs and winced.  She would escape out of the fire exit in the cafeteria.  She smiled.  Julia Smith was not much of a loss.  She was always talking and was an underachiever.  And she knew that Julia talked about her behind her back.  Her and her little friends would giggle and snigger during her classes.  They all did.  There was not a pupil in the school that liked her.  Miss Hertford had never married even though she was now in her early sixties.  They all deserved to burn in hell.  Especially Julia.  She would have been no use to the world.     

    A writer indeed.                      

    She limped out of the emergency exit out into the warm, summer air.  There was a crashing sound behind her as a ceiling collapsed.  Three firemen ran past her with a large hose and an axe in each of their hands.  One of them stopped and looked at her.

    'Are you okay, Ma'am?' he asked.

    'I'm fine.  I've just got some burns on my arms, but I should be fine.'

    'That does look nasty.  'Could be second degree burns.  Well, you'd better get over to the ambulances.  The guys will take care of you.'

    'Thank you.' Miss Hertford said.  The fireman turned to go, but stopped and turned back to her.

    'You didn't, by any chance see anyone in the building who might need help, did you?'

    She paused.  'Nobody.  Everybody is out of the building.'

    He nodded gravely.  'Well, thanks anyway.'  Then he turned and ran into the building with several other fireman.  The situation was obviously getting worse.

She made her way over to the crowd of teachers and pupils and joined them.  There was a large queue of ambulances and she limped over to one of the paramedics.

    'My God, are you okay?'  he gasped.  He gestured to another one of his colleagues.  'Jim, get this woman to an ambulance!'

    'Thank you, kind sir.' Miss Hertford said. 

    She was still smiling.

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