Part Twenty-three

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Before me stands a club. I know, I know... a club. And it immediately earns a smile. Not because it’s sentimental and sweet and caring, but because it looks so fun. Oh, and it isn’t just a normal club. It’s a gay club. That much is obvious as soon as I walk through the glass doors – okay, I’ll admit I almost skip through the doors (consequently attempting to ignore the slight throbbing pain in my stomach).

To be honest, spotting a gay club isn’t hard. And that’s coming from a guy who’s never been to a gay club. Maybe it’s just some magical power that gay people have – to be able to spot a gay club. And I must say that the doormen look as if they’ve got something going on (not that I’m staring at them like that – I already have Kade to do that to – just that the looks they give each other are a huge giveaway).

Walking past those bouncers, I feel like a five year old – all giddy and over-excited on Christmas morning. I have to remind myself that I’m a nineteen year old man (although a lot of the time, I act nothing like one).

My eyes land on a number of bodies smashed up against each other. And each and every one of those bodies belongs to a sexy guy, although obviously none of them will ever compare to that of my Kade. He's just way too damn sexy for this Earth. And the best part is that he's mine to keep.

Not that I'm the jealous type or anything, but what's mine is mine, and I hate sharing.

Kade wraps his arms around my waist as we near the dance floor. As we get lost within the crowds, I can still feel his arms wrapped safely there, making me feel secure in a world full of insecurities.

"Let's dance." I nod my head slightly, letting him take my hand and begin moving to the music. Kade manages to stay completely in time with the beat of the music, swaying his hips with a half a meter gap between the two of us.

And as we dance, I just relish in the feel of being so close to Kade. I can still smell his aftershave, intermingled with that of hundreds of other men around us. The smell is almost suffocating, just like being surrounded by so many people is, but at the same time, I welcome it. It’s fresh, all the while being completely intoxicating.

If I knew a gay bar would be anything like this, I might have taken my chances to come a little earlier – although, the thought of going to a gay bar honestly never really crossed my mind. It’s not exactly one of those things you just think up all of a sudden; “Hey, let’s go to a gay club and get wasted and dance with a million other guys!” However, it is an experience every gay guy must have, right? I pity a gay guy who doesn’t come to one of these places – it’s so amazing being able to freely dance among other people who won’t judge you for being gay.

And the best part of all, is being able to dance freely with my own boyfriend, as well as all these other gay guys around us. Even if we’re dancing with half a meter’s gap between us, we’re still dancing and it still feels amazing.

It feels so bloody good to be able to have my body so close to Kade’s, so intimately, and not worry about the post man knocking on the door, or about being in public. I think that’s what I like about it the most – the fact that it’s public, and no one judges. Freedom is so great.

We dance like this for God knows how long, the half a meter gap staying firm between us, despite the fact that I’m practically dying just to get a little closer to him. A few people manage to squeeze between us, annoying me a little as the space between us increases.

I see Kade standing a couple of meters away, a small group of men taking up important space between us. So, I maneuver my way through them to my guy, ignoring their slightly seductive dance moves that they tantalize me with, delaying my chances to get to Kade.

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