It's a new day, I can only be better

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My P.O.V: Ugh. 4 a.m. and I can't sleep. It is cold as hell in my room and my mom refuses to turn on the heat. I roll out of my bed and hang my legs over the edge. My feet touch the cold tile that is in my room as I walk to the bathroom. I just stood there, looking at myself in the mirror. Who could ever love someone like me. I looked at the scars on my arms. I traced each and every single one of them, thinking of why I cut each and every single one of them. A tear escaped from my eye, but I wiped it away as quickly as possible. I swatted the bad thought out of my head. It was New Years Day. That means a new year. A new year to be better, to out-do myself. I just decided to take a shower. Warm showers usually just let me, let go.

*20 minutes later*

I get out of the shower, the mirror foggy as hell. "Good" I think to myself. I can't see me. I have 2 hours before school. I grab one of my books and decide to just read for like an hour. I read about 200 pages, then look at the time. "SHIT." I say to myself under my breath. I have 10 minutes to get dressed, and do my make-up. I rush everything and throw on anything I could possibly find. I do a classic smoky eye, and put on my converse. "COME ON! You're going to be late!" My mom screamed down stairs by the door. "I know! I know! I just need to get my bag!" I grabbed it and practically flew down the stairs. My mom started the car, a slim black mercedes benz. She FINALLY turned on the heat. I rubbed my hands together as it started to get warmer in the car. "Another day at school. Another day to get bullied." I said bearly audible. But my mom still heard me. "Meghan, you shouldn't let those dibshits get to you. There are just low. Don't stoop down to their level. You are beautiful. You may think that I am bias, but no, you really are beautiful." "Thanks mom." I responded with my cheeks turning pink. She arrived at my school and dropped me off. "I love you meg." "I love you too" I sighed as I got out of the car. I wish I could just stay home, or just run away. Just to run away from it all. As I was walking into the school gates, I saw a very handsome fellow walking into the office. I was paying too much attention to the boy, I wasn't even looking at where I was walking. 

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry!" I exclaimed as I bumped into another handsome boy. "It's ok! Really it was my fault. I'm Zayn" The boy said as he held out a hand and helped me up. "I'm Meghan." I responded as I flashed a really friendly smile. "I guess I'll see you around" I walked away to my first class. I couldn't get that boy out of my head. His jaw line was fantastic, his hair, his face. Damn was he sexy. I walked into my class and sat down. I seen a familiar some what bald head walk past, then, walk back. It was him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2012 ⏰

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