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I should ink my skin

With your name

Chapter 29 ~ Wake Me Up

     Scar Patterson

The last time I hosted a house party was when the football team won the championship game.

I needed the help from my team members because I had no clue how to throw a good party. Most of my concerns were placed in the fact that not enough people would show up, but Trey assured me that any party would be successful if the host was popular.

A month ago, that would've been true. Lately, though, it was hard to tell if I was even considered popular anymore. Everyone blatantly expressed their hatred for me turning gay for Jamie, so how could I expect them to show up to Jamie's birthday party?

I wanted to give him the best birthday party in the history of birthday parties, because the last time he actually celebrated his birthday was when his parents were still alive. If anything, he deserved that.

But Jamie wasn't so convinced. "We really don't need to have an elaborate birthday party," he complained as he sat on the edge of the bed with one of my white t-shirts draped over his shoulder. "I'm totally fine with a cupcake or something."

I glanced over my shoulder at him. He looked so breathtakingly beautiful in the mornings, when his blond hair was still a disheveled mess atop his head and his cheeks were flushed with color.

"You deserve more than just a cupcake," I countered as I tossed him a pair of jeans, and he wasted no time in putting them on.

Jamie released a heavy sigh. "Scar, I appreciate you doing all these amazing things for me, but it's really not necessary."

I scoffed in disbelief while hastily getting dressed. "Don't be ridiculous, Jamie. When's the last time you had a birthday party?"

He grew silent, folding his hands in his lap.

"And it's not only for you. It's also for Jillian," I added.

Jamie responded with another pessimistic sigh and he glanced down at his fingers, nervously playing with them.

A moment ticked by before I realized what was bothering him. "She's not running away," I reassured him.

When Jamie told me about Jillian and Ake's plans to hitch a train out of Summer Hill, I was just as shocked as he was. Jillian might have hated me, but I knew it was impossible for her to separate herself from Jamie.

But if the past few days were any indication, she had done a pretty good job at ignoring him.

Jamie's clear eyes began to roam around the room. "I hope not," he mumbled under his breath.

Once I was finished getting dressed, I focused all of my attention on Jamie. "Just talk to her about it."

A look of amusement flickered across his face. "She won't talk to me."

I studied him with a deepening frown. I didn't like seeing him sulk over Jillian and her boy problems. She was old enough to make her own decisions and it was more than obvious that she wasn't going to let Jamie sway her opinion.

"Come on," I announced. "My mom made you birthday pancakes."

He let out yet another reluctant sigh, but eventually lifted himself up from the bed. He upheld his "pissed-off" demeanor as he jogged downstairs and joined the others around the dinner table. He took a quick glance at Jillian, who was giving him a death stare, then took a seat in between the twins.

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