Through my eyes

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You may say that life is gravy we'll for me it more like hell. Always has been can't change it i've tried so many times. You see there's this guy. I know what your going to say a guy oh no not a guy. Well this guy has been following me sense as far I can remember. He never seems to age I mean he's hot but that's not the point. He frightens me. Never talks I don't even know his name. He just follows me and watches, always watches.

I'm Lily, by the way and this man, I call him a man because he looks much older than us. With his short black hair, broad shoulders large menacing frame. He's always three step behind me at all times. The scary thing is no one can see him but me. He wont let me have any friends. If I get to close to someone he gives me this knowing look. I mean it's freaking Scary. He's killed this guy just because he asked me out, of course he made it look like an accident. The poor guy drowned at swim practice even though he was the best swimmer at school. I really liked Scott that was his name.

I wake up for school early Thursday morning I'm now in my senior year. Never thought I'd make it here and yes he's still here always watching. I jump in the shower then take off my clothing. That's the only way I can get changed without him seeing my bits. When I'm done I have to get dressed under my towel. I choose to wear baggie sweat pants, a long t-shirt' and my black tinnies. He's always in the same thing. Blue jeans and a tight black T-shirt that shows a tribal tattoo and black Nike's.

When I'm ready to leave I lock my door and walk the four blocks to the school. I start my usual one sided conversion." Hay dude its a long walk maybe my dad will give me a nice shiny new car for my birthday what do you think"?" yeah me too." "Hope it not hot today you look like you might come-bust if it get to hot. I'm so funny don't you think. You know you could lough some times it wont kill you, oops sorry it already did. I'm cracking myself up."The conversion kinda died their".

I made it to school unharmed and totally bored out of my mind it suck to not have anyone to talk to. I went to my locker and got my books for math. As I was going to class, I noticed something different about the classroom. I don't know, it just felt weird. I also noticed something about the guy, he started to mumble. It also sounded like humming. "Where the fuck is that humming coming from?"Oops did I say that out loud. Yes you did Lily you have detention after school. The class started to snicker." we'll that sucks."

Well the day came to an end and now it time for detention. In detention I heard the humming again, but a little louder this time. Every time I hear the humming, I say "what" or" a little louder please" or I didn't catch that". It's almost the end of detention and one of the kids say "Hey Freaky Lily, who you talking to". Then he started to laugh. All of a sudden my follower makes the kid fall out of his chair and crack his head on the floor. Theirs blood all over the floor, and of course he made it look like an accident and all I can do is sit and scream at what I saw. Why does he do these things?

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