Attack's & Scares

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Hey guys how's it going? Good? Well that's great! Anyways if you haven't read the title of this chapter, it involves the attack. I know what your thinking "no way I would have never thought that!" There is a song that goes along with the actual attack so play it when I say to.  I know some of the names aren't right, its been a while since I have watched the movie. Okay? Now back to the story.



"Morning mom!" I called out to my mom as me and Alana walked into my kitchen."Morning girls, I was thinking that when you get back from the water this morning I have a worksheet that you can do and then we can do history" My mom home schools Alana and I so we can surf more."Actually, we were hoping for a few more hours on the waves today" Alana said to my mom."Cause you didn't get in enough last night?" Oh shoot! How did mom find out about the night surfing?"Mom I just wanted to try it, even Liam's done it." I replied back to my mom as I put my bowl in the sink."Good job Bethany." Alana sarcastically told me with her mouth full of food. Just then Liam walked into the room with Niall. Yes it is pretty weird looking at Niall after what he said last night. But at least I know when and what he is going to ask me. Liam and Niall walked over to the pantry looking for the cereal. A car horn came from outside and I knew it was Alana's brother and dad picking us up to go surfing."Bye mom love you, bye Liam bye Niall. Oh and tell the rest of the boys I said bye!" I gave them each a hug,still a little awkward with Niall, and went outside to get my board. My dad was already outside talking to Alana's dad. Today he has knee surgery. He is getting pretty old you know?" Bye dad I love you, I'll be praying for you today" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and got in Alana's Jeep. We started driving down the road jamming some music. Alana's dad cranked up the radio so me and Alana started dancing in the back seat. We pulled into the secluded area that we barely ever go to. We grabbed our boards out of the back and made our ten minute walk down to the beach. When we made it to the edge of the water, Jim,Alana's dad, said "I have a business meeting at 4 so let's get started". I turned to Jim and said "Easy pick us up after your meeting." He rolled his but let out a small chuckle." Lets just get in the water already!" Alana's brother yelled to us. We dashed into the water and started our long paddle around the reef. The wave's were amazayn today! As soon as we got around the reef and far enough out we started surfing. I caught some really big one's and so did Alana. I guess this counts as training for the next competition. Alana and I just started floating around. Her dad  and brother were about 30 feet away." Can you believe we get to come out here everyday?"I questioned to Alana.


All of a sudden I felt a hard tug on my left arm and then it was gone. I immediately knew what it was. Shark attack. I started feeling very light headed. I could make out the sound of Alana screaming and people paddling over to me. I kept mumbling "get me to shore, get me to the reef". My eyes kept trying to close but I said to myself that I am not giving up. My eyes were very cloudy so I shut them for a minute. I saw myself surfing a tube with a bright light at the end. The I looked to the side of me and turned my board out of the wave. I then re-opened my eyes and I saw that we were at the end of the reef. I kept praying and praying that I would make it long enough to say good bye to everyone I loved. Timmy, Alana's brother, swam ahead of us earlier I guess to call for help. I could hear voices but I just couldn't make them out. I could feel the life draining out of me every time we paddled to that lovely beach. Everything after that was a blur...But I do remember waking up in the ambulance. I told the paramedic I wanted my mom. He told me to take a deep breathe and calm down. I didn't know i was freaking out. The drive to the hospital seemed to take forever. When we finally got the hospital I heard my mom and brothers calling my name. My mom came into my vision but I couldn't say anything to her. I thought I heard someone else yelling but I was soon rushed inside. I passed by my dad and I could see the tears and shock that was etched into his face. I felt a pinch in my arm and then I was out like a light.

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