01 - 'All a werewolf needs'

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Copyright statement:

This story (His Unmarked Territory) Including all chapters, prologues and associated content is copyrighted under the copyright, designs and patents act 1988. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of this work (Lauren Tricksey), and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work contributes as an infringement of copyright. Any violation of this copyright is punishable by law.

Any links, images, brand names or otherwise copyrighted material (such as clips in the youtube trailer) that is not my own, is not covered by my copyright.

Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey



Chapter One

'All a werewolf needs.'

I was running as fast as my four legs would allow. Flying through the forest and forgetting my worries as the cold air hit my black fur. I sprinted through the woods like a bullet shot from a gun, and I knew in my consciousness that I was dreaming. I knew I should wake up but I couldn't. Instead, I stayed in the green English forest scene. The same scene which haunted me in every dream I had. My wolf form was unaware of what was about to happen. I was too consumed with my own thoughts that I wasn't responsive to the fact that my parents were about to be attacked. I heard a distant wolf cry, it was my mother. I pressed my paws into the ground coming to an abrupt stop, and then I ran, faster than I had ever run before; but it wasn't fast enough. I couldn't do anything more as I race towards the attackers, knowing I wasn't going to get there in time. All I could do was watch as the ten or so wolfs pounce at my parents, watching them struggle under their multiple holds as they tore into their flesh.

"Skylar! Skylar!" My eyes flashed open to see my gran, smiling at me sadly. "We're nearly here."

"Oh right" I yawned and noticed that what was once a North Dakota landscape, was now just a matt black color outside the car window.

"What time is it?" I asked, feeling slightly surprised. I must have been sleeping for quite a while.

"It's rather late, 9:15 to be precise. We should be home in about 10 minutes."

"Cool" I smiled at her; I knew it couldn't be easy for her. She was left to look after her dead daughter's child, which up until a few hours ago had never met.

"So you should probably go straight up to bed, I'm sure you're exhausted after all the traveling you've been doing."

"Yeah, I think I will" I sighed, trying to hold in another yawn from escaping my lips. It was somewhat awkward in the car as Gran didn't really know what to say to me, she has yet to mention anything about my parents 'demise.'

I didn't see much of the house, but I saw enough to know it was perfect. It was surrounded by miles of forest. All a werewolf needs. I smiled as I looked at the house. Of course, Gran thought it was due to me liking the look of the place, but really it was the thought of exploring tomorrow.

My mood was evidently brighter as gran showed me around the house, finally coming to a stop in front of a faded pink door.

"Well this used to be your mothers' room, but I thought you might like it." She smiled, but I could see the uncertainty in her eyes. I wanted to reassure her that it was alright, but I couldn't help but feel a bit scared myself. What if I opened the door to see a little girl's room with frills and patchwork?

"Umm" I gulped not wanting to sound rude, so I put on a fake smile and pulled open the door; only to let out a sigh as I looked at the newly furnished, newly painted and freshly floored lilac room. It was beautiful.

"Wow Gran!" I grinned. Looking around I noticed a few old items- which I assumed used to belong to mum, but the balance of new and old was perfect. It didn't feel like her room, it felt like my room.

"Do you like it?"

"Do I like it? I love it!" I grinned going to the bed and throwing myself onto its duvet. I surprised myself when I realized I was smiling. I hadn't smiled in a while... a long while, it felt nice. For the first time, I began to think more positively. This move was going to be good for me. A fresh start.

"You did this?!" I asked amazed, feeling touched that she had gone to so much trouble for me, even though she'd never met me. I felt loved.

"Yes, it was something to keep my mind off..."She trailed off, I knew she was about to say, my mother. "Well, goodnight dear. Tomorrow, I'll show you around the neighborhood?" She asked me unsure.

"Of course, that'll be fun" I smiled trying to reassure her. She smiled in relief, before telling me goodnight and leaving me to sleep.

Half an hour later I was tucked under the covers, with my eyes closed tightly as I tried to sleep. Only I couldn't. All I could think about was exploring. I hadn't been in my wolf form since... Well since it happened and even though being in wolf form brought back memories, I would much rather forget, I couldn't deny I was itching to be out there and free again. I knew I shouldn't. Gran might come and check on me, and I didn't want her to worry on my first few hours with her, but if I'm quick she wouldn't know...

My better instinct lost their battle as I threw off my duvet and climbed out of bed to the window. I looked out letting my wolf senses search the surrounding area, to make sure no one was around. When I saw that it was clear, I stripped off my pajamas and then my underwear. One of the bad things about being a werewolf was that wearing clothes while changing was not good - Especially if you wanted to wear those clothes again. I opened my mind up and felt my body shudder as I transformed into my wolf form, before jumping out of the second story window only to land in a heap on the ground. Great, I guess my wolf skills had become rusty over the last month. I growled as I righted myself. I made sure my gran was still asleep before letting my instincts take over and began running towards the confinement of the trees. I ran at full speed feeling the wind whip around my face just for the thrill of it, though I had to remind myself that I shouldn't go far. I might be a wolf, but my sense of direction was still as bad as ever.

I had no clue how long I'd been running before I heard something or someone following me. I turned around. Nothing.

Weird I growled at myself, my wolf skills were really deficient at the moment.

No, I definitely heard something then. I stopped completely and looked around. I was now sure something was following me, but as I looked around, there was absolutely nothing. I growled again smelling for any nearby scent. Yes, there was definitely someone following me. I just couldn't see it.

I growled again as I heard a crunch to my right. My wolf bent down in an aggressive crouch staring at the four wolves as they stepped towards me. Their stance wasn't aggressive, merely curious as they stared back at me. The largest one was in front of the little formation they had unconsciously made. He was apparently the Alpha of the small pack.

I growled again at them, not easing my position as I bared my large canines.

They had yet to move, they just stood there staring at me. A young female 'she-wolf' apparently wasn't much of a threat to the four all-male pack.

I watched as the alpha stepped slowly towards me, but I could detect no menace in his movements, only interest. With that movement I bolted, running at full speed again, back the way I had come- back to grans like the scardy cat I was. But could you blame me? The last werewolf's I encountered killed, my parents.

Once I got back to the neatly cut grass of gran's lawn, I half expected them to be behind me. Yet as I quickly scanned the area; there was nothing. I gulped realizing that right now it wasn't dark- instead, it was dimly lit, and the birds were chirping.

Great I've been out all night, I sighed as I jumped the wall up to my window ledge, which was luckily still jarred open.

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