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    It was Monday and I was on my way to (or should I say skipping my way) to dance class. I couldn’t get my mind off Rhodes. He kissed me! My first kiss!

    You sound like a fan girl.

    “Not even going to reply.” I sighed at my voice. Even sarcasm couldn’t dampen my mood. The fact that Saddie was right, however, would.

    I groaned internally. I haven’t even had a chance to talk to my BFF lately with me being depressed and all. Where was she anyway? It wasn’t like her to stay home sick or ditch, without calling me to go with.

    I rounded the corner and ran into what I thought was a very good smelling wall. Me being me of course, fell smack on my butt with papers going everywhere. Nice one.

    “Are you okay?” The wall asked. I looked up to see a very attractive guy with…black eyes standing over me. Creepy.

    “Yeah I’m fine.” I said and took Mr. Black eyes outstretched hand.

    “Sorry about that I guess I was kind of distracted.” He said waving what looked like a class schedule.

    “Your new?” Was my brilliant remark.

    He grinned and I swear, I almost melted. “Yeah I just got here,” He paused and stuck his hand out again. “I’m Collin.”

    “Jen.” I smiled back. “So what class are you going to?” Collin looked down at the paper and furrowed is brow making him look like a lost puppy.

    “I don’t really know.” He said with a nervous laugh. Dang he was cute. He was about a foot taller than my five foot three inches. His dark brown hair slightly covered his black eyes. He looked really…dark. But the bright smile he wore seemed to contrast against everything else.

    “Well I guess I could show you around; if you want.” I asked. His smile brightened to ultra violent and he handed me his schedule. “Theatre?” I asked with a raised brow.

    “I’m good at it.” Collin said while shrugging one shoulder. We continued walking down the hallway not really saying much. It was weird; I could talk to him like I’ve known him forever.

    “Here we are. Theatre 101.” I said. I handed him back his schedule. He looked down at it like something was wrong.

    “Um, I don’t mean to be too forward, but could I have your number? If I get lost again I could call you.” He added last part in a rush. I smiled and wrote my number on top of his schedule.

   “If you get lost.” I laughed when I saw his smile go from ultra violent to hardly bearable.“Well I, er, have to go. Later.” I waved and rushed to last hour before I was late.

When I actually had time to think about my little encounter with Collin I realized how strange it was. First he nocks me down, I walk him to his theatre class, then I give him my number. Well that escalated quickly.


Another short chapter? Yes :( New attractive charecter? Oh yeah :) Haha so collin is my make up for not uploading so much so your welcome! What do you guys think about him? VOMMENT!!

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